UniProtKB 36 results

K7ZMR5K7ZMR5_9ADENPreterminal proteinE2B, PTPHuman adenovirus D10635 AA
K7ZRR7K7ZRR7_9ADENPre-protein VIL3Human adenovirus D10234 AA
K7ZRT7K7ZRT7_9ADENDNA polymeraseE2B, POLHuman adenovirus D101,091 AA
K7ZJY8K7ZJY8_9ADENHexon proteinL3Human adenovirus D10949 AA
K7ZRT8K7ZRT8_9ADENPre-histone-like nucleoproteinL2Human adenovirus D10194 AA
K7ZQ22K7ZQ22_9ADENPackaging protein 1pIVa2, IVa2Human adenovirus D10448 AA
K7ZJW7K7ZJW7_9ADENShutoff proteinL4Human adenovirus D10732 AA
K7ZRS3K7ZRS3_9ADENPackaging protein 3L1Human adenovirus D10372 AA
K7ZMX4K7ZMX4_9ADENPre-hexon-linking protein IIIaL1Human adenovirus D10559 AA
K7ZRT9K7ZRT9_9ADENProteaseL3Human adenovirus D10209 AA
K7ZJX4K7ZJX4_9ADENDNA-binding proteinE2A, DBPHuman adenovirus D10489 AA
K7ZJY9K7ZJY9_9ADENPre-hexon-linking protein VIIIL4Human adenovirus D10227 AA
K7ZLM2K7ZLM2_9ADENHexon-interlacing proteinpIX, IXHuman adenovirus D10134 AA
K7ZLK8K7ZLK8_9ADENEarly E1A proteinE1AHuman adenovirus D10251 AA
K7ZLN6K7ZLN6_9ADENE1B protein, small T-antigenE1BHuman adenovirus D10182 AA
K7ZQ23K7ZQ23_9ADENPenton proteinL2Human adenovirus D10519 AA
K7ZQ36K7ZQ36_9ADENE1B 55 kDa proteinE1BHuman adenovirus D10495 AA
K7ZRS6K7ZRS6_9ADENEarly E3 18.5 kDa glycoproteinE3Human adenovirus D10166 AA
K7ZRT6K7ZRT6_9ADENEarly E1A proteinE1AHuman adenovirus D10189 AA
K7ZJX6K7ZJX6_9ADENRID-beta proteinE3Human adenovirus D10130 AA
K7ZQ26K7ZQ26_9ADEN29.2K proteinE3Human adenovirus D10263 AA
K7ZQ41K7ZQ41_9ADEN14.6 kDa proteinE3Human adenovirus D10129 AA
K7ZLM0K7ZLM0_9ADEN34 kDa proteinE4Human adenovirus D10292 AA
K7ZMR9K7ZMR9_9ADENPVL2Human adenovirus D10334 AA
K7ZRR8K7ZRR8_9ADEN22 kDa proteinL4Human adenovirus D10137 AA
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