UniProtKB 5 results

Q7JNM3ZICH2_CAEELZinc finger transcription factor ref-2ref-2, C47C12.3Caenorhabditis elegans315 AA
Q93352HM36_CAEELHomeobox protein ceh-36ceh-36, C37E2.4Caenorhabditis elegans257 AA
Q18533HMX_CAEELHomeobox protein mls-2mls-2, C39E6.4Caenorhabditis elegans341 AA
Q9XVI2CTNH1_CAEELBeta-catenin homolog sys-1sys-1, T23D8.9Caenorhabditis elegans811 AA
Q10666POP1_CAEELProtein pop-1pop-1, W10C8.2Caenorhabditis elegans438 AA
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