UniProtKB 10 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
Q15596NCOA2_HUMANNuclear receptor coactivator 2NCOA2, BHLHE75, SRC2, TIF2Homo sapiens (Human)1,464 AA
P10276RARA_HUMANRetinoic acid receptor alphaRARA, NR1B1Homo sapiens (Human)462 AA
P13631RARG_HUMANRetinoic acid receptor gammaRARG, NR1B3Homo sapiens (Human)454 AA
P28700RXRA_MOUSERetinoic acid receptor RXR-alphaRxra, Nr2b1Mus musculus (Mouse)467 AA
P62196PRS8_MOUSE26S proteasome regulatory subunit 8Psmc5, Sug1Mus musculus (Mouse)406 AA
P97513P97513_MUSSPRetinoic acid receptor-alphaMus spretus (Western Mediterranean mouse) (Algerian mouse)462 AA
A7L5V0A7L5V0_BRALAThyroid hormone receptorTRBranchiostoma lanceolatum (Common lancelet) (Amphioxus lanceolatum)426 AA
A7L5V1A7L5V1_SCYCAThyroid hormone receptorTRaScyliorhinus canicula (Small-spotted catshark) (Squalus canicula)373 AA
A7L5U9A7L5U9_BRAFLThyroid hormone receptorTRBranchiostoma floridae (Florida lancelet) (Amphioxus)431 AA
O35050O35050_RATProteasome p45/SUGRattus norvegicus (Rat)32 AA
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