UniProtKB 988 results

Q9GKB8Q9GKB8_MACCYSex-determining region Y proteinSRYMacaca cyclopis (Taiwan macaque)203 AA
Q8MI62Q8MI62_CERMISex-determining region Y proteinSRYCercopithecus mitis (Blue monkey)204 AA
Q9GJU9Q9GJU9_MACFASex-determining region Y proteinSRYMacaca fascicularis (Crab-eating macaque) (Cynomolgus monkey)203 AA
B6C7C0B6C7C0_9PRIMSex-determining region Y proteinSRYCercopithecus pogonias (crowned guenon)201 AA
Q8MHX1Q8MHX1_MIOTASex-determining region Y proteinSRYMiopithecus talapoin (Angolan talapoin) (Cercopithecus talapoin)204 AA
B6C7B9B6C7B9_CERASSex-determining region Y proteinSRYCercopithecus ascanius (Black-cheeked white-nosed monkey) (Redtail monkey)204 AA
Q9GJS8Q9GJS8_MACFASex-determining region Y proteinSRYMacaca fascicularis (Crab-eating macaque) (Cynomolgus monkey)202 AA
Q9GKC0Q9GKC0_MACARSex-determining region Y proteinSRYMacaca arctoides (Stump-tailed macaque)203 AA
Q9GKA5Q9GKA5_ALLNISex-determining region Y proteinSRYAllenopithecus nigroviridis (Allen's swamp monkey)204 AA
Q9GKB6Q9GKB6_9PRIMSex-determining region Y proteinSRYMacaca fuscata (Japanese macaque)199 AA
Q9GJR7Q9GJR7_MACRASex-determining region Y proteinSRYMacaca radiata (Bonnet macaque)203 AA
Q9GJR6Q9GJR6_MACARSex-determining region Y proteinSRYMacaca arctoides (Stump-tailed macaque)203 AA
Q9GJR8Q9GJR8_MACSISex-determining region Y proteinSRYMacaca sinica (Toque macaque) (Toque monkey)203 AA
Q9GKA6Q9GKA6_MANSPSex-determining region Y proteinSRYMandrillus sphinx (Mandrill) (Papio sphinx)203 AA
Q9GJS0Q9GJS0_MACSLSex-determining region Y proteinSRYMacaca silenus (Lion-tailed macaque)203 AA
Q9GKA4Q9GKA4_CERMOSex-determining region Y proteinSRYCercopithecus mona (Mona monkey)204 AA
Q9GJR9Q9GJR9_MACNESex-determining region Y proteinSRYMacaca nemestrina (Pig-tailed macaque)203 AA
Q8MHW9Q8MHW9_ALLLHSex-determining region Y proteinSRYAllochrocebus lhoesti (L'Hoest's monkey) (Cercopithecus lhoesti)204 AA
Q8MHX0Q8MHX0_ERYPASex-determining region Y proteinSRYErythrocebus patas (Red guenon) (Cercopithecus patas)204 AA
Q8MI61Q8MI61_ERYPASex-determining region Y proteinSRYErythrocebus patas (Red guenon) (Cercopithecus patas)195 AA
Q9GKB5Q9GKB5_9PRIMSex-determining region Y proteinSRYMacaca fuscata (Japanese macaque)203 AA
Q9GKB9Q9GKB9_MACASSex-determining region Y proteinSRYMacaca assamensis (Assam macaque) (Assamese macaque)203 AA
Q4VIX8Q4VIX8_CERPTSex-determining region Y proteinSRYCercopithecus petaurista (Lesser spot-nosed monkey)204 AA
Q6SSF3Q6SSF3_CERDISex-determining region Y proteinSRYCercopithecus diana (Diana monkey)204 AA
Q6SSF8Q6SSF8_CERMISex-determining region Y proteinSRYCercopithecus mitis (Blue monkey)204 AA
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