UniProtKB 411 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
P37744RMLA1_ECOLIGlucose-1-phosphate thymidylyltransferase 1rfbA, rmlA, rmlA1, b2039, JW2024Escherichia coli (strain K12)293 AA
P37745RMLC_ECOLIdTDP-4-dehydrorhamnose 3,5-epimeraserfbC, rmlC, b2038, JW2023Escherichia coli (strain K12)185 AA
P37747GLF_ECOLIUDP-galactopyranose mutaseglf, yefE, b2036, JW2021Escherichia coli (strain K12)367 AA
P0AC88GM4D_ECOLIGDP-mannose 4,6-dehydratasegmd, yefA, yefN, b2053, JW2038Escherichia coli (strain K12)373 AA
P76387WZC_ECOLITyrosine-protein kinase wzcwzc, b2060, JW2045Escherichia coli (strain K12)720 AA
P32055FCL_ECOLIGDP-L-fucose synthasefcl, wcaG, yefB, b2052, JW2037Escherichia coli (strain K12)321 AA
P32056GMM_ECOLIGDP-mannose mannosyl hydrolasegmm, nudD, wcaH, yefC, b2051, JW5335Escherichia coli (strain K12)159 AA
Q63053ARC_RATActivity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated proteinArcRattus norvegicus (Rat)396 AA
Q07566IPGD_SHIFLInositol phosphate phosphatase IpgDipgD, CP0133Shigella flexneri538 AA
P33546ICSB_SHIFLN-epsilon-fatty acyltransferase IcsBicsB, CP0132Shigella flexneri494 AA
Q8VSP9OSPF_SHIFLPhosphothreonine lyase OspFospF, mkaD, CP0010, pWR501_0013, SFLP011Shigella flexneri239 AA
Q7BCK4ICSA_SHIFLOuter membrane autotransporter IcsAicsA, virG, CP0182Shigella flexneri1,102 AA
P37759RMLB1_ECOLIdTDP-glucose 4,6-dehydratase 1rfbB, rmlB, b2041, JW2026Escherichia coli (strain K12)361 AA
P37760RMLD_ECOLIdTDP-4-dehydrorhamnose reductaserfbD, rmlD, b2040, JW2025Escherichia coli (strain K12)299 AA
Q8VSC3IPA9_SHIFLE3 ubiquitin-protein ligase ipaH9.8ipaH9.8, CP0226, pWR501_0234, SFLP090Shigella flexneri545 AA
P71241WCAJ_ECOLIUDP-glucose:undecaprenyl-phosphate glucose-1-phosphate transferasewcaJ, b2047, JW2032Escherichia coli (strain K12)464 AA
Q54150IPAJ_SHIFLCysteine protease IpaJipaJ, CP0122, pWR501_0130Shigella flexneri259 AA
P0A1X2SCTG_SHIFLType 3 secretion system pilotinmxiM, sctG, CP0143Shigella flexneri142 AA
P18013IPAD_SHIFLInvasin IpaDipaD, CP0126Shigella flexneri332 AA
Q7BU69VIRA_SHIFLCysteine protease-like VirAvirA, CP0181, pWR501_0191Shigella flexneri400 AA
Q05032WZZB_ECO11Chain length determinant proteinwzzB, cld, rolEscherichia coli O111:H-327 AA
Q04872UDG_ECO11UDP-glucose 6-dehydrogenaseugdEscherichia coli O111:H-388 AA
P37750WBBJ_ECOLIPutative lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis O-acetyl transferase WbbJwbbJ, yefH, b2033, JW2018Escherichia coli (strain K12)196 AA
P0A930WZA_ECOLIPutative polysaccharide export protein Wzawza, b2062, JW2047Escherichia coli (strain K12)379 AA
P37746RFBX_ECOLIPutative O-antigen transporterrfbX, wzx, b2037, JW2022Escherichia coli (strain K12)415 AA
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