UniProtKB 139,294 results

Q9P8P3GUX1_TRIHAExoglucanase 1cbh1Trichoderma harzianum (Hypocrea lixii)505 AA
A0A1R3RGK0OTAA_ASPC5Highly reducing polyketide synthase otaAotaA, OTApks, ASPCADRAFT_173482Aspergillus carbonarius (strain ITEM 5010)2,541 AA
Q4WUN7MPKC_ASPFUMitogen-activated protein kinase mpkCmpkC, AFUA_5G09100Aspergillus fumigatus (strain ATCC MYA-4609 / CBS 101355 / FGSC A1100 / Af293) (Neosartorya fumigata)378 AA
A0A2P1BT06FCS1_UNKPTrans-feruloyl-CoA synthase FCS1FCS1, FcsUnknown prokaryotic organism707 AA
Q4WSF6HOG1_ASPFUMitogen-activated protein kinase sakAsakA, hog1, hogA, osm1, AfA5C11.10, AFUA_1G12940Aspergillus fumigatus (strain ATCC MYA-4609 / CBS 101355 / FGSC A1100 / Af293) (Neosartorya fumigata)366 AA
A5IKD4EABN_THEP1Extracellular endo-alpha-(1->5)-L-arabinanaseTpet_0637Thermotoga petrophila (strain ATCC BAA-488 / DSM 13995 / JCM 10881 / RKU-1)471 AA
A0A1L9UKS1ABVS_ASPBCVariediene synthaseAbVS, ASPBRDRAFT_675371Aspergillus brasiliensis (strain CBS 101740 / IMI 381727 / IBT 21946)695 AA
A0A1L9WUV2ANEG_ASPA1Cytochrome P450 monooxygenase aneGaneG, ASPACDRAFT_119792Aspergillus aculeatus (strain ATCC 16872 / CBS 172.66 / WB 5094)530 AA
A0A1R3RM75GOX_ASPC5Glucose oxidaseASPCADRAFT_208051Aspergillus carbonarius (strain ITEM 5010)605 AA
A0A1L9WUS5ANED_ASPA1Cytochrome P450 monooxygenase aneDaneD, ASPACDRAFT_60732Aspergillus aculeatus (strain ATCC 16872 / CBS 172.66 / WB 5094)514 AA
A0A1L9WUW3ANEB_ASPA1Nonribosomal peptide synthetase aneBaneB, ASPACDRAFT_29371Aspergillus aculeatus (strain ATCC 16872 / CBS 172.66 / WB 5094)1,078 AA
A0A1L9WVI3ANEF_ASPA1Cytochrome P450 monooxygenase aneFaneF, ASPACDRAFT_78841Aspergillus aculeatus (strain ATCC 16872 / CBS 172.66 / WB 5094)495 AA
A0A1L9WQM9ACRA_ASPA1Highly reducing polyketide synthase acrAacrA, ASPACDRAFT_48Aspergillus aculeatus (strain ATCC 16872 / CBS 172.66 / WB 5094)2,429 AA
A0A1L9WQP6ACRD_ASPA1Cytochrome P450 monooxygenase acrDacrD, ASPACDRAFT_45003Aspergillus aculeatus (strain ATCC 16872 / CBS 172.66 / WB 5094)500 AA
A0A1L9WQI2VRCA_ASPA1Bifunctional sesterterpene synthasevrcA, ASPACDRAFT_31194Aspergillus aculeatus (strain ATCC 16872 / CBS 172.66 / WB 5094)710 AA
A0A1L9WR63ACRB_ASPA1Nonribosomal peptide synthetase acrBacrB, ASPACDRAFT_122295Aspergillus aculeatus (strain ATCC 16872 / CBS 172.66 / WB 5094)1,552 AA
A0A1R3RGJ7OTAC_ASPC5Cytochrome P450 monooxygenase otaCotaC, OTAp450, ASPCADRAFT_517149Aspergillus carbonarius (strain ITEM 5010)516 AA
A0A1R3RGJ2OTAD_ASPC5Flavin-dependent halogenase otaDotaD, OTAhal, ASPCADRAFT_209543Aspergillus carbonarius (strain ITEM 5010)498 AA
A0A1L9U7P9MLFA_ASPBCMalformin synthetase mlfAmlfA, ASPBRDRAFT_34020Aspergillus brasiliensis (strain CBS 101740 / IMI 381727 / IBT 21946)5,112 AA
A0A1R3RGK1OTAB_ASPC5Nonribosomal peptide synthetase otaBotaB, OTAnrps, ASPCADRAFT_132610Aspergillus carbonarius (strain ITEM 5010)1,875 AA
A0A1L9UCG2ALBA_ASPBCNon-reducing polyketide synthase albAalbA, ASPBRDRAFT_131114Aspergillus brasiliensis (strain CBS 101740 / IMI 381727 / IBT 21946)2,147 AA
A0A1L9WN31ACUC_ASPA1Cytochrome P450 monooxygenase acuCacuC, ASPACDRAFT_45673Aspergillus aculeatus (strain ATCC 16872 / CBS 172.66 / WB 5094)531 AA
A0A1L9WN42ACUI_ASPA1Serine-type carboxypeptidase acuIacuI, ASPACDRAFT_1904405Aspergillus aculeatus (strain ATCC 16872 / CBS 172.66 / WB 5094)553 AA
A0A1L9UR19BFOD_ASPBCO-methyltransferase bfoDbfoD, ASPBRDRAFT_39215Aspergillus brasiliensis (strain CBS 101740 / IMI 381727 / IBT 21946)424 AA
A0A1L9WN72ACUD_ASPA1Cytochrome P450 monooxygenase acuDacuD, ASPACDRAFT_32595Aspergillus aculeatus (strain ATCC 16872 / CBS 172.66 / WB 5094)529 AA
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