UniProtKB 464 results

O70157TOP3A_MOUSEDNA topoisomerase 3-alphaTop3a, Top3Mus musculus (Mouse)1,003 AA
P17945HGF_RATHepatocyte growth factorHgfRattus norvegicus (Rat)728 AA
Q60534ADTRP_MESAUAndrogen-dependent TFPI-regulating proteinADTRPMesocricetus auratus (Golden hamster)231 AA
P04216THY1_HUMANThy-1 membrane glycoproteinTHY1Homo sapiens (Human)161 AA
P01831THY1_MOUSEThy-1 membrane glycoproteinThy1, Thy-1Mus musculus (Mouse)162 AA
Q9BY64UDB28_HUMANUDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B28UGT2B28Homo sapiens (Human)529 AA
Q63042ALR_RATFAD-linked sulfhydryl oxidase ALRGfer, AlrRattus norvegicus (Rat)198 AA
P01830THY1_RATThy-1 membrane glycoproteinThy1, Thy-1Rattus norvegicus (Rat)161 AA
P25021HRH2_HUMANHistamine H2 receptorHRH2Homo sapiens (Human)359 AA
P14210HGF_HUMANHepatocyte growth factorHGF, HPTAHomo sapiens (Human)728 AA
Q8WWY6MB3L1_HUMANMethyl-CpG-binding domain protein 3-like 1MBD3L1, MBD3LHomo sapiens (Human)194 AA
Q9Y6M5ZNT1_HUMANProton-coupled zinc antiporter SLC30A1SLC30A1, ZNT1Homo sapiens (Human)507 AA
O43586PPIP1_HUMANProline-serine-threonine phosphatase-interacting protein 1PSTPIP1, CD2BP1Homo sapiens (Human)416 AA
Q9BWF2TRAIP_HUMANE3 ubiquitin-protein ligase TRAIPTRAIP, RNF206, TRIPHomo sapiens (Human)469 AA
P55774CCL18_HUMANC-C motif chemokine 18CCL18, AMAC1, DCCK1, MIP4, PARC, SCYA18Homo sapiens (Human)89 AA
P19883FST_HUMANFollistatinFSTHomo sapiens (Human)344 AA
P52566GDIR2_HUMANRho GDP-dissociation inhibitor 2ARHGDIB, GDIA2, GDID4, RAP1GN1Homo sapiens (Human)201 AA
Q4ZHG4FNDC1_HUMANFibronectin type III domain-containing protein 1FNDC1, FNDC2, KIAA1866, MEL4B3Homo sapiens (Human)1,894 AA
P54821PRRX1_HUMANPaired mesoderm homeobox protein 1PRRX1, PMX1Homo sapiens (Human)245 AA
Q9H0C2ADT4_HUMANADP/ATP translocase 4SLC25A31, AAC4, ANT4, SFECHomo sapiens (Human)315 AA
P01574IFNB_HUMANInterferon betaIFNB1, IFB, IFNBHomo sapiens (Human)187 AA
P23946CMA1_HUMANChymaseCMA1, CYH, CYMHomo sapiens (Human)247 AA
P37108SRP14_HUMANSignal recognition particle 14 kDa proteinSRP14Homo sapiens (Human)136 AA
P04085PDGFA_HUMANPlatelet-derived growth factor subunit APDGFA, PDGF1Homo sapiens (Human)211 AA
P54107CRIS1_HUMANCysteine-rich secretory protein 1CRISP1, AEGL1Homo sapiens (Human)249 AA
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