UniProtKB 13,624 results

P56716RP1_MOUSEOxygen-regulated protein 1Rp1, Orp1, Rp1hMus musculus (Mouse)2,095 AA
P56715RP1_HUMANOxygen-regulated protein 1RP1, ORP1Homo sapiens (Human)2,156 AA
Q6DBX4GWL_DANRESerine/threonine-protein kinase greatwallmastl, gw, gwlDanio rerio (Zebrafish) (Brachydanio rerio)860 AA
Q13443ADAM9_HUMANDisintegrin and metalloproteinase domain-containing protein 9ADAM9, KIAA0021, MCMP, MDC9, MLTNGHomo sapiens (Human)819 AA
Q86SQ7SDCG8_HUMANSerologically defined colon cancer antigen 8SDCCAG8, CCCAP, NPHP10, HSPC085Homo sapiens (Human)713 AA
P13498CY24A_HUMANCytochrome b-245 light chainCYBAHomo sapiens (Human)195 AA
Q8IWN7RP1L1_HUMANRetinitis pigmentosa 1-like 1 proteinRP1L1Homo sapiens (Human)2,400 AA
Q9UG01IF172_HUMANIntraflagellar transport protein 172 homologIFT172, KIAA1179Homo sapiens (Human)1,749 AA
Q02962PAX2_HUMANPaired box protein Pax-2PAX2Homo sapiens (Human)417 AA
P19367HXK1_HUMANHexokinase-1HK1Homo sapiens (Human)917 AA
Q7Z4L5TT21B_HUMANTetratricopeptide repeat protein 21BTTC21B, IFT139, KIAA1992, Nbla10696Homo sapiens (Human)1,316 AA
Q96IX5ATPMK_HUMANATP synthase membrane subunit K, mitochondrialATP5MK, ATP5MD, DAPIT, HCVFTP2, USMG5, PD04912Homo sapiens (Human)58 AA
O15066KIF3B_HUMANKinesin-like protein KIF3BKIF3B, KIAA0359Homo sapiens (Human)747 AA
Q8NFJ9BBS1_HUMANBBSome complex member BBS1BBS1, BBS2L2Homo sapiens (Human)593 AA
Q68CZ1FTM_HUMANProtein fantomRPGRIP1L, FTM, KIAA1005, NPHP8Homo sapiens (Human)1,315 AA
O95859TSN12_HUMANTetraspanin-12TSPAN12, NET2, TM4SF12, UNQ774/PRO1568Homo sapiens (Human)305 AA
Q8IWZ6BBS7_HUMANBBSome complex member BBS7BBS7, BBS2L1Homo sapiens (Human)715 AA
Q9UII2ATIF1_HUMANATPase inhibitor, mitochondrialATP5IF1, ATPI, ATPIF1Homo sapiens (Human)106 AA
Q9UKA2FBXL4_HUMANF-box/LRR-repeat protein 4FBXL4, FBL4, FBL5Homo sapiens (Human)621 AA
Q12805FBLN3_HUMANEGF-containing fibulin-like extracellular matrix protein 1EFEMP1, FBLN3, FBNLHomo sapiens (Human)493 AA
Q96GX5GWL_HUMANSerine/threonine-protein kinase greatwallMASTL, GW, GWL, THC2Homo sapiens (Human)879 AA
O75161NPHP4_HUMANNephrocystin-4NPHP4, KIAA0673Homo sapiens (Human)1,426 AA
Q9HAN9NMNA1_HUMANNicotinamide/nicotinic acid mononucleotide adenylyltransferase 1NMNAT1, NMNATHomo sapiens (Human)279 AA
O75665OFD1_HUMANCentriole and centriolar satellite protein OFD1OFD1, CXorf5Homo sapiens (Human)1,012 AA
Q99714HCD2_HUMAN3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase type-2HSD17B10, ERAB, HADH2, MRPP2, SCHAD, SDR5C1, XH98G2Homo sapiens (Human)261 AA
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