UniProtKB 9 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
Q9H4Q4PRD12_HUMANPR domain zinc finger protein 12PRDM12, PFM9Homo sapiens (Human)367 AA
P06400RB_HUMANRetinoblastoma-associated proteinRB1Homo sapiens (Human)928 AA
Q9NUD9PIGV_HUMANGPI mannosyltransferase 2PIGVHomo sapiens (Human)493 AA
P35555FBN1_HUMANFibrillin-1FBN1, FBNHomo sapiens (Human)2,871 AA
A2AJ77PRD12_MOUSEPR domain zinc finger protein 12Prdm12, Gm998Mus musculus (Mouse)365 AA
Q7KZ61Q7KZ61_HUMANRetinoblastoma suspectibility proteinRB1Homo sapiens (Human)28 AA
Q7KZ60Q7KZ60_HUMANRetinoblastoma suspectibility proteinRB1Homo sapiens (Human)33 AA
Q7KZ59Q7KZ59_HUMANRetinoblastoma suspectibility proteinRB1Homo sapiens (Human)10 AA
Q6LE65Q6LE65_HUMANRetinoblastoma susceptibility proteinRB1Homo sapiens (Human)48 AA
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