UniProtKB 17 results

Q9Y3D0CIA2B_HUMANCytosolic iron-sulfur assembly component 2BCIAO2B, CIAB, FAM96B, MIP18, CGI-128, HSPC118Homo sapiens (Human)163 AA
P53384NUBP1_HUMANCytosolic Fe-S cluster assembly factor NUBP1NUBP1, NBP, NBP1Homo sapiens (Human)320 AA
O76071CIAO1_HUMANProbable cytosolic iron-sulfur protein assembly protein CIAO1CIAO1, CIA1, WDR39Homo sapiens (Human)339 AA
P18074ERCC2_HUMANGeneral transcription and DNA repair factor IIH helicase subunit XPDERCC2, XPD, XPDCHomo sapiens (Human)760 AA
P28340DPOD1_HUMANDNA polymerase delta catalytic subunitPOLD1, POLDHomo sapiens (Human)1,107 AA
Q9H5X1CIA2A_HUMANCytosolic iron-sulfur assembly component 2ACIAO2A, CIA2A, FAM96AHomo sapiens (Human)160 AA
P21399ACOHC_HUMANCytoplasmic aconitate hydrataseACO1, IREB1Homo sapiens (Human)889 AA
Q9Y5Y2NUBP2_HUMANCytosolic Fe-S cluster assembly factor NUBP2NUBP2Homo sapiens (Human)271 AA
Q5T440CAF17_HUMANPutative transferase CAF17, mitochondrialIBA57, C1orf69Homo sapiens (Human)356 AA
Q86WJ1CHD1L_HUMANChromodomain-helicase-DNA-binding protein 1-likeCHD1L, ALC1Homo sapiens (Human)897 AA
Q811J3IREB2_MOUSEIron-responsive element-binding protein 2Ireb2, Irp2Mus musculus (Mouse)963 AA
Q86U28ISCA2_HUMANIron-sulfur cluster assembly 2 homolog, mitochondrialISCA2, HBLD1Homo sapiens (Human)154 AA
P48200IREB2_HUMANIron-responsive element-binding protein 2IREB2Homo sapiens (Human)963 AA
Q9BUE6ISCA1_HUMANIron-sulfur cluster assembly 1 homolog, mitochondrialISCA1, HBLD2, GK004Homo sapiens (Human)129 AA
Q9DCL2CIA2A_MOUSECytosolic iron-sulfur assembly component 2ACiao2a, Fam96aMus musculus (Mouse)160 AA
Q99KN2CIAO1_MOUSEProbable cytosolic iron-sulfur protein assembly protein CIAO1Ciao1, Wdr39Mus musculus (Mouse)339 AA
G0SH86G0SH86_CHATDCytosolic Fe-S cluster assembling factor cfd1-like proteinCTHT_0069100Chaetomium thermophilum (strain DSM 1495 / CBS 144.50 / IMI 039719) (Thermochaetoides thermophila)310 AA
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