UniProtKB 7,019 results

G5EDM7DAF5_CAEELSki protein homologdaf-5, W01G7.1Caenorhabditis elegans627 AA
P03951FA11_HUMANCoagulation factor XIF11Homo sapiens (Human)625 AA
O00507USP9Y_HUMANUbiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 9YUSP9Y, DFFRYHomo sapiens (Human)2,555 AA
Q53HC5KLH26_HUMANKelch-like protein 26KLHL26Homo sapiens (Human)615 AA
Q9BZA8PC11Y_HUMANProtocadherin-11 Y-linkedPCDH11Y, PCDH11, PCDH22, PCDHYHomo sapiens (Human)1,340 AA
P08254MMP3_HUMANStromelysin-1MMP3, STMY1Homo sapiens (Human)477 AA
P20155ISK2_HUMANSerine protease inhibitor Kazal-type 2SPINK2Homo sapiens (Human)84 AA
Q8TC36SUN5_HUMANSUN domain-containing protein 5SUN5, SPAG4L, TSARG4Homo sapiens (Human)379 AA
Q92626PXDN_HUMANPeroxidasin homologPXDN, KIAA0230, MG50, PRG2, PXD01, VPO, VPO1Homo sapiens (Human)1,479 AA
Q9BZA7PC11X_HUMANProtocadherin-11 X-linkedPCDH11X, KIAA1326, PCDH11, PCDHXHomo sapiens (Human)1,347 AA
P41091IF2G_HUMANEukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 subunit 3EIF2S3, EIF2GHomo sapiens (Human)472 AA
Q9H2G4TSYL2_HUMANTestis-specific Y-encoded-like protein 2TSPYL2, CDA1, DENTT, TSPX, HRIHFB2216Homo sapiens (Human)693 AA
P79457UTY_MOUSEHistone demethylase UTYUty, Kdm6cMus musculus (Mouse)1,212 AA
Q8TBY9CF251_HUMANCilia- and flagella-associated protein 251CFAP251, WDR66Homo sapiens (Human)1,149 AA
Q9UGL1KDM5B_HUMANLysine-specific demethylase 5BKDM5B, JARID1B, PLU1, RBBP2H1Homo sapiens (Human)1,544 AA
P19419ELK1_HUMANETS domain-containing protein Elk-1ELK1Homo sapiens (Human)428 AA
O43602DCX_HUMANNeuronal migration protein doublecortinDCX, DBCN, LISXHomo sapiens (Human)365 AA
P41229KDM5C_HUMANLysine-specific demethylase 5CKDM5C, DXS1272E, JARID1C, SMCX, XE169Homo sapiens (Human)1,560 AA
P38159RBMX_HUMANRNA-binding motif protein, X chromosomeRBMX, HNRPG, RBMXP1Homo sapiens (Human)391 AA
P54921SNAA_RATAlpha-soluble NSF attachment proteinNapa, Snap, SnapaRattus norvegicus (Rat)295 AA
P00451FA8_HUMANCoagulation factor VIIIF8, F8CHomo sapiens (Human)2,351 AA
Q95QI7DAF3_CAEELSmad protein daf-3daf-3, F25E2.5Caenorhabditis elegans892 AA
Q9EQG6KDIS_RATKinase D-interacting substrate of 220 kDaKidins220, ArmsRattus norvegicus (Rat)1,762 AA
Q62095DDX3Y_MOUSEATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX3YDdx3y, D1Pas1-rs1, Dead2Mus musculus (Mouse)658 AA
Q62240KDM5D_MOUSELysine-specific demethylase 5DKdm5d, Hya, Jarid1d, SmcyMus musculus (Mouse)1,548 AA
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