UniProtKB 5 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
Q9JKB3YBOX3_MOUSEY-box-binding protein 3Ybx3, Csda, Msy4Mus musculus (Mouse)361 AA
Q9QZQ8H2AY_MOUSECore histone macro-H2A.1Macroh2a1, H2afyMus musculus (Mouse)369 AA
P15265MCSP_MOUSESperm mitochondrial-associated cysteine-rich proteinSmcp, Mcs, McspMus musculus (Mouse)143 AA
Q64298MCSP_RATSperm mitochondrial-associated cysteine-rich proteinSmcp, Mcs, McspRattus norvegicus (Rat)145 AA
Q792Y0Q792Y0_MOUSEPolyadenylate-binding proteinMus musculus (Mouse)603 AA
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