UniProtKB 68 results

Q8VBV9O51E2_MOUSEOlfactory receptor 51E2Or51e2, Mol2.3, Olfr78, PsgrMus musculus (Mouse)320 AA
U4KTJ0U4KTJ0_9CNIDCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COIRhizostoma luteum219 AA
A0A1S5RKE2A0A1S5RKE2_ZUCRICytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COIZu cristatus (Scalloped ribbonfish) (Trachypterus cristatus)219 AA
A0A8F9R487A0A8F9R487_THUOBRhodopsinThunnus obesus (Bigeye tuna)89 AA
B2BGS1B2BGS1_OLEEU(S)-2-hydroxy-acid oxidaseOlea europaea (Common olive)215 AA
B2BGS6B2BGS6_OLEEUGlycine/serine hydroxymethyltransferase reductaseOlea europaea (Common olive)197 AA
B2BGS8B2BGS8_OLEEUMalate dehydrogenaseOlea europaea (Common olive)215 AA
B2BGS9B2BGS9_OLEEUPutative cytochrome b6/f complex subunit IVOlea europaea (Common olive)90 AA
B2BGT9B2BGT9_OLEEUpyridoxal 5'-phosphate synthase (glutamine hydrolyzing)Olea europaea (Common olive)196 AA
B2BGR2B2BGR2_OLEEUPutative c-myc binding proteinOlea europaea (Common olive)118 AA
B2BGT2B2BGT2_OLEEURibulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase activase, chloroplasticOlea europaea (Common olive)261 AA
B2BGR9B2BGR9_OLEEULarge ribosomal subunit protein eL22Olea europaea (Common olive)33 AA
B2BGT4B2BGT4_OLEEUPutative sodium/hydrogen antiporterOlea europaea (Common olive)155 AA
B2BGU6B2BGU6_OLEEUnon-specific serine/threonine protein kinaseOlea europaea (Common olive)70 AA
B2BGW3B2BGW3_OLEEU23 kDa subunit of oxygen evolving system of photosystem IIOlea europaea (Common olive)76 AA
B2BJH0B2BJH0_OLEEUPhotosystem II 10 kDa polypeptide, chloroplasticOlea europaea (Common olive)74 AA
A0A4D6TGV8A0A4D6TGV8_EUTALTitin-like proteinTmo4c4Euthynnus alletteratus (Little tunny) (Scomber alletteratus)82 AA
A0A4D6TGU1A0A4D6TGU1_AUXTHTitin-like proteinTmo4c4Auxis thazard (Frigate tuna) (Scomber thazard)82 AA
A0A4D6THB9A0A4D6THB9_AUXROTitin-like proteinTmo4c4Auxis rochei (Bullet tuna)82 AA
A0A8F9W5Z8A0A8F9W5Z8_THUOBTitin-like proteinThunnus obesus (Bigeye tuna)90 AA
A0A8F9W682A0A8F9W682_THUOBTitin-like proteinThunnus obesus (Bigeye tuna)103 AA
A0A8F9W671A0A8F9W671_THUOBTitin-like proteinThunnus obesus (Bigeye tuna)103 AA
Q9YHW9Q9YHW9_CHICKGrowth differentiation factor 5Gallus gallus (Chicken)324 AA
B2BGR4B2BGR4_OLEEUPutative GIA/RGA-like gibberellin response modulatorOlea europaea (Common olive)27 AA
B2BGS3B2BGS3_OLEEUPutative plant lipid transfer proteinOlea europaea (Common olive)61 AA
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