UniProtKB 17 results

Q09463RNF5_CAEELE3 ubiquitin ligase rnf-5rnf-5, C16C10.7Caenorhabditis elegans235 AA
O95197RTN3_HUMANReticulon-3RTN3, ASYIP, NSPL2Homo sapiens (Human)1,032 AA
Q9H6L5RETR1_HUMANReticulophagy regulator 1RETREG1, FAM134B, JK1Homo sapiens (Human)497 AA
P09601HMOX1_HUMANHeme oxygenase 1HMOX1, HO, HO1Homo sapiens (Human)288 AA
Q14258TRI25_HUMANE3 ubiquitin/ISG15 ligase TRIM25TRIM25, EFP, RNF147, ZNF147Homo sapiens (Human)630 AA
Q99942RNF5_HUMANE3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF5RNF5, G16, NG2, RMA1Homo sapiens (Human)180 AA
O14862AIM2_HUMANInterferon-inducible protein AIM2AIM2Homo sapiens (Human)343 AA
Q15418KS6A1_HUMANRibosomal protein S6 kinase alpha-1RPS6KA1, MAPKAPK1A, RSK1Homo sapiens (Human)735 AA
Q9Y4P1ATG4B_HUMANCysteine protease ATG4BATG4B, APG4B, AUTL1, KIAA0943Homo sapiens (Human)393 AA
O95786RIGI_HUMANAntiviral innate immune response receptor RIG-IRIGI, DDX58Homo sapiens (Human)925 AA
P09429HMGB1_HUMANHigh mobility group protein B1HMGB1, HMG1Homo sapiens (Human)215 AA
O35445RNF5_MOUSEE3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF5Rnf5, Ng2Mus musculus (Mouse)180 AA
Q8BGE6ATG4B_MOUSECysteine protease ATG4BAtg4b, Apg4b, Autl1, Kiaa0943Mus musculus (Mouse)393 AA
F5HDE4ORF45_HHV8PProtein ORF45ORF45Human herpesvirus 8 type P (isolate GK18) (HHV-8) (Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus)407 AA
P0DTC3AP3A_SARS2ORF3a protein3aSevere acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (2019-nCoV) (SARS-CoV-2)275 AA
Q2HR95AN_HHV8PShutoff alkaline exonucleaseORF37Human herpesvirus 8 type P (isolate GK18) (HHV-8) (Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus)486 AA
P03209BRLF1_EBVB9Replication and transcription activatorBRLF1Epstein-Barr virus (strain B95-8) (HHV-4) (Human herpesvirus 4)605 AA
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