UniProtKB 4 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
P61969LMO4_MOUSELIM domain transcription factor LMO4Lmo4Mus musculus (Mouse)165 AA
P23950TISB_MOUSEmRNA decay activator protein ZFP36L1Zfp36l1, Brf1, Tis11bMus musculus (Mouse)338 AA
P23949TISD_MOUSEmRNA decay activator protein ZFP36L2Zfp36l2, Tis11dMus musculus (Mouse)484 AA
Q66JZ4TCAIM_MOUSET-cell activation inhibitor, mitochondrialTCAIM, D9Ertd402e, Toag1Mus musculus (Mouse)499 AA
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