UniProtKB 490 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
A0A8K1RAW5A0A8K1RAW5_9CARNCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COX1, COISpilogale pygmaea514 AA
A0A8K1RB33A0A8K1RB33_SPIGRCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COX1, COISpilogale gracilis leucoparia514 AA
A0A8K1RB44A0A8K1RB44_9CARNCytochrome bCYTBSpilogale interrupta (plains spotted skunk)379 AA
A0A8K1RBK3A0A8K1RBK3_SPIGRCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COX1, COISpilogale gracilis martirensis514 AA
A0A8K1VCQ6A0A8K1VCQ6_9CARNCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COX1Conepatus leuconotus (eastern hog-nosed skunk)514 AA
A0A8K1R9V8A0A8K1R9V8_9CARNCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COX1, COISpilogale interrupta (plains spotted skunk)514 AA
A0A8K1RA07A0A8K1RA07_SPIGRCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COX1, COISpilogale gracilis leucoparia514 AA
A0A8K1RAK7A0A8K1RAK7_SPIGRCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COX1, COISpilogale gracilis lucasana514 AA
A0A8K1RBQ3A0A8K1RBQ3_9CARNCytochrome bCYTBSpilogale angustifrons yucatanensis379 AA
A0A8K1RCV1A0A8K1RCV1_SPIPRCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COX1, COISpilogale putorius (Eastern spotted skunk)514 AA
A0A8K1VBB2A0A8K1VBB2_SPIGRCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COX1, COISpilogale gracilis gracilis514 AA
A0A8K1VC40A0A8K1VC40_9CARNCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COX1, COISpilogale pygmaea514 AA
A0A8K1RA13A0A8K1RA13_9CARNCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COX1, COISpilogale interrupta (plains spotted skunk)514 AA
A0A8K1RBD7A0A8K1RBD7_MEPMECytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COX1Mephitis mephitis (Striped skunk)514 AA
A0A8K1RC71A0A8K1RC71_9CARNCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COX1, COISpilogale angustifrons514 AA
A0A8K1VAY1A0A8K1VAY1_9CARNCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COX1Conepatus semistriatus (striped hog-nosed skunk)514 AA
A0A8K1VD44A0A8K1VD44_9CARNCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COX1, COISpilogale angustifrons514 AA
A0A8K1VD52A0A8K1VD52_SPIPRCytochrome bCYTBSpilogale putorius (Eastern spotted skunk)379 AA
A0A8K1VDW4A0A8K1VDW4_SPIGRCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COX1, COISpilogale gracilis martirensis514 AA
A0A8K1VDY1A0A8K1VDY1_9CARNCytochrome bCYTBSpilogale pygmaea379 AA
A0A8K1RAF5A0A8K1RAF5_9CARNCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COX1, COISpilogale angustifrons514 AA
A0A8K1RAW0A0A8K1RAW0_9CARNCytochrome bCYTBSpilogale angustifrons378 AA
A0A8K1VCB2A0A8K1VCB2_SPIPRCytochrome bCYTBSpilogale putorius (Eastern spotted skunk)379 AA
A0A8K1VCZ9A0A8K1VCZ9_SPIGRCytochrome bCYTBSpilogale gracilis martirensis379 AA
A0A8K1RAF8A0A8K1RAF8_9CARNCytochrome bCYTBSpilogale angustifrons379 AA
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