UniProtKB 111 results

Q89905GP_SINVEnvelopment polyproteinGPSin Nombre orthohantavirus (SNV) (Sin Nombre virus)1,140 AA
Q89709L_SINVRNA-directed RNA polymerase LSin Nombre orthohantavirus (SNV) (Sin Nombre virus)2,153 AA
Q89462NCAP_SINVNucleoproteinNSin Nombre orthohantavirus (SNV) (Sin Nombre virus)428 AA
V9VHN6V9VHN6_LASVPre-glycoprotein polyprotein GP complexGPCMammarenavirus lassaense500 AA
V9VJA7V9VJA7_LASVPre-glycoprotein polyprotein GP complexGPCMammarenavirus lassaense501 AA
V9VKR8V9VKR8_LASVPre-glycoprotein polyprotein GP complexGPCMammarenavirus lassaense500 AA
A0A7S6HGM6A0A7S6HGM6_GADMOCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COX1Gadus morhua (Atlantic cod)210 AA
A0A7S6KQX7A0A7S6KQX7_GADMOCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COX1Gadus morhua (Atlantic cod)208 AA
A0A7S6HGM3A0A7S6HGM3_GADMOCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COX1Gadus morhua (Atlantic cod)205 AA
A0A7S6HGM2A0A7S6HGM2_GADMOCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COX1Gadus morhua (Atlantic cod)207 AA
A0A7S6HGM7A0A7S6HGM7_GADMOCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COX1Gadus morhua (Atlantic cod)206 AA
A0A7S6HGM8A0A7S6HGM8_GADMOCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COX1Gadus morhua (Atlantic cod)215 AA
A0A7S6KUV1A0A7S6KUV1_GADMOCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COX1Gadus morhua (Atlantic cod)208 AA
A0A7S6HGN0A0A7S6HGN0_GADMOCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COX1Gadus morhua (Atlantic cod)208 AA
A0A1S6GW76A0A1S6GW76_9MONORNA-directed RNA polymerase LLZaire ebolavirus2,212 AA
A0A1S6GW87A0A1S6GW87_9MONORNA-directed RNA polymerase LLZaire ebolavirus2,212 AA
V9VKQ5V9VKQ5_LASVRNA-directed RNA polymerase LLMammarenavirus lassaense2,220 AA
V9VG43V9VG43_LASVRNA-directed RNA polymerase LLMammarenavirus lassaense2,220 AA
V9VIH2V9VIH2_LASVRNA-directed RNA polymerase LLMammarenavirus lassaense2,222 AA
V9VHN1V9VHN1_LASVRNA-directed RNA polymerase LLMammarenavirus lassaense2,220 AA
V9VIH6V9VIH6_LASVRNA-directed RNA polymerase LLMammarenavirus lassaense2,222 AA
A0A1L7B8A7A0A1L7B8A7_LASVRNA-directed RNA polymerase LLMammarenavirus lassaense2,220 AA
A0A1S6GW91A0A1S6GW91_9MONOMatrix protein VP40VP40Zaire ebolavirus326 AA
A0A1Y0K5I2A0A1Y0K5I2_9MONORNA-directed RNA polymerase LReston ebolavirus2,212 AA
A8CFI4A8CFI4_ECOLXsite-specific DNA-methyltransferase (adenine-specific)Escherichia coli246 AA
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