UniProtKB 8 results

P67965VEGFA_COTJAVascular endothelial growth factor AVEGFA, VEGFCoturnix japonica (Japanese quail) (Coturnix coturnix japonica)216 AA
Q92765SFRP3_HUMANSecreted frizzled-related protein 3FRZB, FIZ, FRE, FRP, FRZB1, SFRP3Homo sapiens (Human)325 AA
P20263PO5F1_MOUSEPOU domain, class 5, transcription factor 1Pou5f1, Oct-3, Oct-4, Otf-3, Otf3Mus musculus (Mouse)352 AA
P31230AIMP1_MOUSEAminoacyl tRNA synthase complex-interacting multifunctional protein 1Aimp1, Emap2, Scye1Mus musculus (Mouse)310 AA
P97401SFRP3_MOUSESecreted frizzled-related protein 3Frzb, Fiz, Fre, Frzb1, Sfrp3Mus musculus (Mouse)323 AA
Q91W39NCOA5_MOUSENuclear receptor coactivator 5Ncoa5Mus musculus (Mouse)579 AA
U6A492NCOA5_SCHMDNuclear receptor coactivator 5NCOA5Schmidtea mediterranea (Freshwater planarian flatworm)545 AA
O08570O08570_MESAUSecreted frizzled-related protein 3BHKfizMesocricetus auratus (Golden hamster)261 AA
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