UniProtKB 13 results

Q9GZT4SRR_HUMANSerine racemaseSRRHomo sapiens (Human)340 AA
Q99489OXDD_HUMAND-aspartate oxidaseDDOHomo sapiens (Human)341 AA
P14920OXDA_HUMAND-amino-acid oxidaseDAO, DAMOXHomo sapiens (Human)347 AA
A0A0D6A9S9A0A0D6A9S9_HRSVMajor surface glycoprotein GGHuman respiratory syncytial virus144 AA
A0A0D6AA43A0A0D6AA43_HRSVMajor surface glycoprotein GGHuman respiratory syncytial virus144 AA
A0A0D6A9U5A0A0D6A9U5_HRSVMajor surface glycoprotein GGHuman respiratory syncytial virus144 AA
A0A0D6A9Z9A0A0D6A9Z9_HRSVMajor surface glycoprotein GGHuman respiratory syncytial virus144 AA
A0A0D6AA47A0A0D6AA47_HRSVMajor surface glycoprotein GGHuman respiratory syncytial virus144 AA
A0A0D6AAK6A0A0D6AAK6_HRSVMajor surface glycoprotein GGHuman respiratory syncytial virus144 AA
A0A0D6A9S5A0A0D6A9S5_HRSVMajor surface glycoprotein GGHuman respiratory syncytial virus144 AA
E1CJH6E1CJH6_9MONONucleocapsidNPMeasles morbillivirus156 AA
G5ENA9G5ENA9_9MONONucleocapsidNPMeasles morbillivirus156 AA
F1T2I9F1T2I9_RUBVEnvelope proteinE1Rubella virus (RUBV)263 AA
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