UniProtKB 171 results

A0A1B0V4P5A0A1B0V4P5_9CHONCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COIDasyatis pastinaca (common stingray)214 AA
A0A1B0V4U2A0A1B0V4U2_9CHONCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COIHeptranchias perlo (sharpnose sevengill shark)180 AA
A0A1B0V4V5A0A1B0V4V5_9CHONCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COILeucoraja circularis (sandy ray)153 AA
A0A1B0V4W3A0A1B0V4W3_9CHONCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COIMustelus punctulatus (blackspotted smooth-hound)209 AA
A0A1B0V4Z0A0A1B0V4Z0_9CHONCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COIMustelus punctulatus (blackspotted smooth-hound)209 AA
A0A1B0V594A0A1B0V594_9CHONCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COIOxynotus centrina (angular roughshark)215 AA
A0A1B0V599A0A1B0V599_9CHONCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COIRaja asterias (starry ray)211 AA
A0A1B0V5C1A0A1B0V5C1_9CHONCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COIRaja radula (rough ray)209 AA
A0A1B0V5I4A0A1B0V5I4_TORMACytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COITorpedo marmorata (Marbled electric ray)209 AA
A0A1B0V5J2A0A1B0V5J2_9CHONCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COITorpedo torpedo (common torpedo)207 AA
A0A1B0V9C3A0A1B0V9C3_ALOVUCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COIAlopias vulpinus (Common thresher shark) (Squalus vulpinus)193 AA
A0A1B0V9I0A0A1B0V9I0_9CHONCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COIDasyatis pastinaca (common stingray)183 AA
A0A1B0V9N1A0A1B0V9N1_9CHONCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COILeucoraja circularis (sandy ray)194 AA
A0A1B0VA02A0A1B0VA02_9CHONCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COIMyliobatis aquila (common eagle ray)182 AA
A0A1B0VA41A0A1B0VA41_9CHONCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COITetronarce nobiliana (Atlantic torpedo)204 AA
A0A1B0VA56A0A1B0VA56_9CHONCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COIRaja polystigma (speckled ray)211 AA
A0A1B0VAE6A0A1B0VAE6_9CHONCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COITorpedo torpedo (common torpedo)203 AA
A0A1B0VAG0A0A1B0VAG0_9CHONCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COIDasyatis pastinaca (common stingray)207 AA
A0A1B0VAN9A0A1B0VAN9_9CHONCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COIMustelus punctulatus (blackspotted smooth-hound)214 AA
A0A1B0VAU1A0A1B0VAU1_9CHONCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COIMustelus punctulatus (blackspotted smooth-hound)208 AA
A0A1B0VAW7A0A1B0VAW7_9CHONCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COIMyliobatis aquila (common eagle ray)214 AA
A0A1B0VB47A0A1B0VB47_TORMACytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COITorpedo marmorata (Marbled electric ray)212 AA
A0A1B0VBY3A0A1B0VBY3_GALMLCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COIGaleus melastomus (Blackmouth catshark)188 AA
A0A1B0VC17A0A1B0VC17_9CHONCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COIMustelus punctulatus (blackspotted smooth-hound)210 AA
A0A1B0VC51A0A1B0VC51_9CHONCytochrome c oxidase subunit 1COIMustelus punctulatus (blackspotted smooth-hound)190 AA
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