UniProtKB 51 results

P60763RAC3_HUMANRas-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 3RAC3Homo sapiens (Human)192 AA
O95528GTR10_HUMANSolute carrier family 2, facilitated glucose transporter member 10SLC2A10, GLUT10Homo sapiens (Human)541 AA
Q96BA8CR3L1_HUMANCyclic AMP-responsive element-binding protein 3-like protein 1CREB3L1, OASIS, PSEC0238Homo sapiens (Human)519 AA
Q9Y3C4TPRKB_HUMANEKC/KEOPS complex subunit TPRKBTPRKB, CGI-121, My019Homo sapiens (Human)175 AA
Q68CP9ARID2_HUMANAT-rich interactive domain-containing protein 2ARID2, BAF200, KIAA1557Homo sapiens (Human)1,835 AA
P35716SOX11_HUMANTranscription factor SOX-11SOX11Homo sapiens (Human)441 AA
Q7LBC6KDM3B_HUMANLysine-specific demethylase 3BKDM3B, C5orf7, JHDM2B, JMJD1B, KIAA1082Homo sapiens (Human)1,761 AA
P12755SKI_HUMANSki oncogeneSKIHomo sapiens (Human)728 AA
P55287CAD11_HUMANCadherin-11CDH11Homo sapiens (Human)796 AA
Q71F56MD13L_HUMANMediator of RNA polymerase II transcription subunit 13-likeMED13L, KIAA1025, PROSIT240, THRAP2, TRAP240LHomo sapiens (Human)2,210 AA
Q9NPF4OSGEP_HUMANtRNA N6-adenosine threonylcarbamoyltransferaseOSGEP, GCPL1Homo sapiens (Human)335 AA
Q14766LTBP1_HUMANLatent-transforming growth factor beta-binding protein 1LTBP1Homo sapiens (Human)1,721 AA
O95967FBLN4_HUMANEGF-containing fibulin-like extracellular matrix protein 2EFEMP2, FBLN4, UNQ200/PRO226Homo sapiens (Human)443 AA
Q15147PLCB4_HUMAN1-phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate phosphodiesterase beta-4PLCB4Homo sapiens (Human)1,175 AA
Q9BTU6P4K2A_HUMANPhosphatidylinositol 4-kinase type 2-alphaPI4K2AHomo sapiens (Human)479 AA
P54886P5CS_HUMANDelta-1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthaseALDH18A1, GSAS, P5CS, PYCSHomo sapiens (Human)795 AA
Q14657LAGE3_HUMANEKC/KEOPS complex subunit LAGE3LAGE3, DXS9879E, ESO3, ITBA2Homo sapiens (Human)143 AA
P38606VATA_HUMANV-type proton ATPase catalytic subunit AATP6V1A, ATP6A1, ATP6V1A1, VPP2Homo sapiens (Human)617 AA
Q12805FBLN3_HUMANEGF-containing fibulin-like extracellular matrix protein 1EFEMP1, FBLN3, FBNLHomo sapiens (Human)493 AA
P35556FBN2_HUMANFibrillin-2FBN2Homo sapiens (Human)2,912 AA
P36543VATE1_HUMANV-type proton ATPase subunit E 1ATP6V1E1, ATP6E, ATP6E2Homo sapiens (Human)226 AA
P08754GNAI3_HUMANGuanine nucleotide-binding protein G(i) subunit alpha-3GNAI3Homo sapiens (Human)354 AA
Q96S44PRPK_HUMANEKC/KEOPS complex subunit TP53RKTP53RK, C20orf64, PRPKHomo sapiens (Human)253 AA
P36897TGFR1_HUMANTGF-beta receptor type-1TGFBR1, ALK5, SKR4Homo sapiens (Human)503 AA
Q8N5Y2MS3L1_HUMANMSL complex subunit 3MSL3, MSL3L1Homo sapiens (Human)521 AA
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