UniProtKB 23 results

Q63041A1M_RATAlpha-1-macroglobulinA1m, PzpRattus norvegicus (Rat)1,500 AA
Q16666IF16_HUMANGamma-interferon-inducible protein 16IFI16, IFNGIP1Homo sapiens (Human)785 AA
P20701ITAL_HUMANIntegrin alpha-LITGAL, CD11AHomo sapiens (Human)1,170 AA
P08514ITA2B_HUMANIntegrin alpha-IIbITGA2B, GP2B, ITGABHomo sapiens (Human)1,039 AA
P05106ITB3_HUMANIntegrin beta-3ITGB3, GP3AHomo sapiens (Human)788 AA
P59046NAL12_HUMANNACHT, LRR and PYD domains-containing protein 12NLRP12, NALP12, PYPAF7, RNOHomo sapiens (Human)1,061 AA
P57764GSDMD_HUMANGasdermin-DGSDMD, DFNA5L, GSDMDC1, FKSG10Homo sapiens (Human)484 AA
P05362ICAM1_HUMANIntercellular adhesion molecule 1ICAM1Homo sapiens (Human)532 AA
P35637FUS_HUMANRNA-binding protein FUSFUS, TLSHomo sapiens (Human)526 AA
P49711CTCF_HUMANTranscriptional repressor CTCFCTCFHomo sapiens (Human)727 AA
Q9H3S7PTN23_HUMANTyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type 23PTPN23, KIAA1471Homo sapiens (Human)1,636 AA
Q9NZZ3CHMP5_HUMANCharged multivesicular body protein 5CHMP5, C9orf83, SNF7DC2, CGI-34, HSPC177, PNAS-114, PNAS-2Homo sapiens (Human)219 AA
Q02224CENPE_HUMANCentromere-associated protein ECENPEHomo sapiens (Human)2,701 AA
Q15109RAGE_HUMANAdvanced glycosylation end product-specific receptorAGER, RAGEHomo sapiens (Human)404 AA
O00206TLR4_HUMANToll-like receptor 4TLR4Homo sapiens (Human)839 AA
P46995SET2_YEASTHistone-lysine N-methyltransferase, H3 lysine-36 specificSET2, EZL1, KMT3, YJL168C, J0520Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain ATCC 204508 / S288c) (Baker's yeast)733 AA
Q9D8T2GSDMD_MOUSEGasdermin-DGsdmd, Gsdmdc1Mus musculus (Mouse)487 AA
Q80WG5LRC8A_MOUSEVolume-regulated anion channel subunit LRRC8ALrrc8a, Lrrc8Mus musculus (Mouse)810 AA
Q07457BRE1_YEASTE3 ubiquitin-protein ligase BRE1BRE1, YDL074CSaccharomyces cerevisiae (strain ATCC 204508 / S288c) (Baker's yeast)700 AA
Q04089DOT1_YEASTHistone-lysine N-methyltransferase, H3 lysine-79 specificDOT1, KMT4, PCH1, YDR440W, D9461.26Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain ATCC 204508 / S288c) (Baker's yeast)582 AA
P0DOV2IFI4_MOUSEInterferon-activable protein 204Ifi204Mus musculus (Mouse)619 AA
P22812TUBE_DROMEProtein Tubetub, tube, CG10520Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)462 AA
A9XG43A9XG43_HE71Genome polyproteinHuman enterovirus 71 (EV71) (EV-71)2,193 AA
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