UniProtKB 7 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
Q13563PKD2_HUMANPolycystin-2PKD2, TRPP2Homo sapiens (Human)968 AA
P50440GATM_HUMANGlycine amidinotransferase, mitochondrialGATM, AGATHomo sapiens (Human)423 AA
Q08426ECHP_HUMANPeroxisomal bifunctional enzymeEHHADH, ECHDHomo sapiens (Human)723 AA
O00165HAX1_HUMANHCLS1-associated protein X-1HAX1, HS1BP1Homo sapiens (Human)279 AA
P07911UROM_HUMANUromodulinUMODHomo sapiens (Human)640 AA
O35245PKD2_MOUSEPolycystin-2Pkd2, TRPP2Mus musculus (Mouse)966 AA
Q62318TIF1B_MOUSETranscription intermediary factor 1-betaTrim28, Kap1, Krip1, Tif1bMus musculus (Mouse)834 AA
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