UniProtKB 4 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
Q9C0C7AMRA1_HUMANActivating molecule in BECN1-regulated autophagy protein 1AMBRA1, DCAF3, KIAA1736Homo sapiens (Human)1,298 AA
P00533EGFR_HUMANEpidermal growth factor receptorEGFR, ERBB, ERBB1, HER1Homo sapiens (Human)1,210 AA
Q9QXL2KI21A_MOUSEKinesin-like protein KIF21AKif21a, Kiaa1708Mus musculus (Mouse)1,672 AA
P58501PAXB1_MOUSEPAX3- and PAX7-binding protein 1Paxbp1, Gcfc, Gcfc1Mus musculus (Mouse)919 AA
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