UniProtKB 5 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
Q23670TOP2_CAEELDNA topoisomerase 2 top-2top-2, K12D12.1Caenorhabditis elegans1,520 AA
Q23462GCNA1_CAEELGerm cell nuclear acidic-1 proteingcna-1, ZK328.4Caenorhabditis elegans532 AA
A0A1D9BZF0GCNA_MOUSEGerm cell nuclear acidic proteinGcnaMus musculus (Mouse)507 AA
P51793CLCN4_HUMANH(+)/Cl(-) exchange transporter 4CLCN4Homo sapiens (Human)760 AA
Q01320TOP2A_MOUSEDNA topoisomerase 2-alphaTop2a, Top-2, Top2Mus musculus (Mouse)1,528 AA
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