UniProtKB 31 results

O01949ALL3_AEDAEAegyptinAAEL010235Aedes aegypti (Yellowfever mosquito) (Culex aegypti)273 AA
P18153D7L1_AEDAELong form salivary protein D7L1D7, D7L1, AAEL006424Aedes aegypti (Yellowfever mosquito) (Culex aegypti)321 AA
P29786TRY3_AEDAETrypsin 3A1AAEL007818Aedes aegypti (Yellowfever mosquito) (Culex aegypti)254 AA
Q16HW7GNPI_AEDAEGlucosamine-6-phosphate isomeraseGnpda1, AAEL013877Aedes aegypti (Yellowfever mosquito) (Culex aegypti)278 AA
Q16Y34ATAT_AEDAEAlpha-tubulin N-acetyltransferaseAAEL008679Aedes aegypti (Yellowfever mosquito) (Culex aegypti)272 AA
Q16NX0MTNB_AEDAEProbable methylthioribulose-1-phosphate dehydrataseAAEL011830Aedes aegypti (Yellowfever mosquito) (Culex aegypti)243 AA
Q17DI7MED31_AEDAEMediator of RNA polymerase II transcription subunit 31MED31, AAEL004132Aedes aegypti (Yellowfever mosquito) (Culex aegypti)218 AA
A0SIX6SNPF_AEDAEShort neuropeptide FsNPF, AAEL012542Aedes aegypti (Yellowfever mosquito) (Culex aegypti)215 AA
Q4I5R9PPIB_GIBZEPeptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase BCPR2, FGRRES_07439, FGSG_07439Gibberella zeae (strain ATCC MYA-4620 / CBS 123657 / FGSC 9075 / NRRL 31084 / PH-1) (Wheat head blight fungus) (Fusarium graminearum)248 AA
Q95P51OAZ_AEDAEOrnithine decarboxylase antizymeOda, AAEL004783Aedes aegypti (Yellowfever mosquito) (Culex aegypti)240 AA
A1Z8U1A1Z8U1_DROMEOrnithine decarboxylase antizymeOda, AZ, D-AZ, Dmel\CG16747, guf, l(2)02833, l(2)k09037, ODA, oda, CG16747, Dmel_CG16747Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)270 AA
A1Z8U2A1Z8U2_DROMEOrnithine decarboxylase antizymeOda, AZ, D-AZ, Dmel\CG16747, guf, l(2)02833, l(2)k09037, ODA, oda, CG16747, Dmel_CG16747Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)248 AA
M9PCK6M9PCK6_DROMESelenophosphate synthetase 2, isoform CSps2, Dmel\CG5025, Dsps2, dSPS2, dsps2, SPS2, sps2, CG5025, Dmel_CG5025Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)370 AA
A7EJH5A7EJH5_SCLS1Ornithine decarboxylase antizymeSS1G_05468Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (strain ATCC 18683 / 1980 / Ss-1) (White mold) (Whetzelinia sclerotiorum)274 AA
B0D0D7B0D0D7_LACBSOrnithine decarboxylase antizymeLACBIDRAFT_324019Laccaria bicolor (strain S238N-H82 / ATCC MYA-4686) (Bicoloured deceiver) (Laccaria laccata var. bicolor)288 AA
N1JE72N1JE72_BLUG1Ornithine decarboxylase antizymeBGHDH14_bghG005160000001001Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (strain DH14) (Barley powdery mildew) (Oidium monilioides f. sp. hordei)214 AA
E3KJL8E3KJL8_PUCGTOrnithine decarboxylase antizymePGTG_10213Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici (strain CRL 75-36-700-3 / race SCCL) (Black stem rust fungus)254 AA
U5HEV0U5HEV0_USTV1Ornithine decarboxylase antizymeMVLG_05639Microbotryum lychnidis-dioicae (strain p1A1 Lamole / MvSl-1064) (Anther smut fungus)275 AA
A0A1C3YJI8A0A1C3YJI8_GIBZEOrnithine decarboxylase antizymeFGRAMPH1_01T06985Gibberella zeae (strain ATCC MYA-4620 / CBS 123657 / FGSC 9075 / NRRL 31084 / PH-1) (Wheat head blight fungus) (Fusarium graminearum)286 AA
A0A0Q9W624A0A0Q9W624_DROVIOrnithine decarboxylase antizymeDvir\Oda, Dvir_GJ22440Drosophila virilis (Fruit fly)273 AA
B3NS74B3NS74_DROEROrnithine decarboxylase antizymeDere\GG22602, Dere_GG22602Drosophila erecta (Fruit fly)273 AA
B4GBU6B4GBU6_DROPEOrnithine decarboxylase antizymeDper\GL11024, Dper_GL11024Drosophila persimilis (Fruit fly)231 AA
A0A0Q9XEL9A0A0Q9XEL9_DROMOOrnithine decarboxylase antizymeDmoj\GI19379, Dmoj_GI19379Drosophila mojavensis (Fruit fly)272 AA
A0A0P8Y1X7A0A0P8Y1X7_DROANOrnithine decarboxylase antizymeDana\GF12639, dana_GLEANR_12654, GF12639Drosophila ananassae (Fruit fly)266 AA
B4NMW8B4NMW8_DROWIOrnithine decarboxylase antizymeDwil\GK23217, Dwil_GK23217Drosophila willistoni (Fruit fly)281 AA
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