UniProtKB 4 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
Q14149MORC3_HUMANMORC family CW-type zinc finger protein 3MORC3, KIAA0136, NXP2, ZCWCC3Homo sapiens (Human)939 AA
Q8WUM0NU133_HUMANNuclear pore complex protein Nup133NUP133Homo sapiens (Human)1,156 AA
P57740NU107_HUMANNuclear pore complex protein Nup107NUP107Homo sapiens (Human)925 AA
P29590PML_HUMANProtein PMLPML, MYL, PP8675, RNF71, TRIM19Homo sapiens (Human)882 AA
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