UniProtKB 2 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
Q7WUH5Q7WUH5_SALTItRNA(Ile)-lysidine synthasemesJ, tilS, CAJ76_22940, CAJ80_23480, CAJ85_23365, CAL67_22485, CB224_22890, CC884_22935, CC907_22980, D4Z37_23950, D6Q30_23875, DKA88_24130, DNM71_23865, DNV09_24260, DS261_24155, DUQ91_24205, DUV11_23905, DVG36_23875, EBC38_24085, ELQ62_24090, EU445_24425, EVI00_23545, F9R11_23320, F9Y21_23285, FI137_23010, G2227_23525, G2244_23660, G3982_004715, G3V49_004543, G4I71_004833, G4L28_004906, G4P30_004615, G4Y41_004438, G4Y55_004662, G9264_004616, G9C68_004701, G9X37_004348, GDI29_23445, GND71_004603, K3U68_01185, ZZ17_23685Salmonella typhi430 AA
A0AAN7USW0A0AAN7USW0_9PEZItRNA(Ile)-lysidine synthetaseRRF57_010720Xylaria bambusicola846 AA
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