UniProtKB 1,963 results

P62244RS15A_HUMANSmall ribosomal subunit protein uS8RPS15A, OK/SW-cl.82Homo sapiens (Human)130 AA
P06850CRF_HUMANCorticoliberinCRHHomo sapiens (Human)196 AA
P61353RL27_HUMANLarge ribosomal subunit protein eL27RPL27Homo sapiens (Human)136 AA
O95715CXL14_HUMANC-X-C motif chemokine 14CXCL14, MIP2G, NJAC, SCYB14, PSEC0212, UNQ240/PRO273Homo sapiens (Human)111 AA
O14521DHSD_HUMANSuccinate dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] cytochrome b small subunit, mitochondrialSDHD, SDH4Homo sapiens (Human)159 AA
O15243OBRG_HUMANLeptin receptor gene-related proteinLEPROT, LEPR, OBRHomo sapiens (Human)131 AA
Q9BSF0SMAKA_HUMANSmall membrane A-kinase anchor proteinC2orf88Homo sapiens (Human)95 AA
O95881TXD12_HUMANThioredoxin domain-containing protein 12TXNDC12, TLP19, UNQ713/PRO1376Homo sapiens (Human)172 AA
P01111RASN_HUMANGTPase NRasNRAS, HRAS1Homo sapiens (Human)189 AA
Q06055AT5G2_HUMANATP synthase F(0) complex subunit C2, mitochondrialATP5MC2, ATP5G2, PSEC0033Homo sapiens (Human)141 AA
Q8N2G4LYPD1_HUMANLy6/PLAUR domain-containing protein 1LYPD1, Lynx2, LYPDC1, PSEC0181, UNQ3079/PRO9917Homo sapiens (Human)141 AA
Q99643C560_HUMANSuccinate dehydrogenase cytochrome b560 subunit, mitochondrialSDHC, CYB560, SDH3Homo sapiens (Human)169 AA
Q86YL7PDPN_HUMANPodoplaninPDPN, GP36, PSEC0003, PSEC0025Homo sapiens (Human)162 AA
P42677RS27_HUMANSmall ribosomal subunit protein eS27RPS27, MPS1Homo sapiens (Human)84 AA
Q9NPD8UBE2T_HUMANUbiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 TUBE2T, HSPC150, PIG50Homo sapiens (Human)197 AA
P41222PTGDS_HUMANProstaglandin-H2 D-isomerasePTGDS, PDSHomo sapiens (Human)190 AA
Q9Y5S9RBM8A_HUMANRNA-binding protein 8ARBM8A, RBM8, HSPC114, MDS014Homo sapiens (Human)174 AA
P01116RASK_HUMANGTPase KRasKRAS, KRAS2, RASK2Homo sapiens (Human)189 AA
P01006SSI_STRAOSubtilisin inhibitorssiStreptomyces albogriseolus144 AA
P31044PEBP1_RATPhosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein 1Pebp1, Pbp, PebpRattus norvegicus (Rat)187 AA
P92507DHSD1_ASCSUSuccinate dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] cytochrome b small subunit 1, mitochondrialSDHD1Ascaris suum (Pig roundworm) (Ascaris lumbricoides)156 AA
P92506DHSC_ASCSUSuccinate dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] cytochrome b large subunit, mitochondrialSDHCAscaris suum (Pig roundworm) (Ascaris lumbricoides)188 AA
Q24192RHOL_DROMERas-like GTP-binding protein RhoLRhoL, Drac3, CG9366Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)190 AA
P61153SSI_STRLIProtease inhibitorsti1Streptomyces lividans144 AA
P00698LYSC_CHICKLysozyme CLYZGallus gallus (Chicken)147 AA
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