UniProtKB 73 results

Q9NQX3GEPH_HUMANGephyrinGPHN, GPH, KIAA1385Homo sapiens (Human)736 AA
Q9Y345SC6A5_HUMANSodium- and chloride-dependent glycine transporter 2SLC6A5, GLYT2, NET1Homo sapiens (Human)797 AA
Q91XP5GLRA3_MOUSEGlycine receptor subunit alpha-3Glra3Mus musculus (Mouse)464 AA
P48167GLRB_HUMANGlycine receptor subunit betaGLRBHomo sapiens (Human)497 AA
P51170SCNNG_HUMANAmiloride-sensitive sodium channel subunit gammaSCNN1GHomo sapiens (Human)649 AA
Q96PU5NED4L_HUMANE3 ubiquitin-protein ligase NEDD4-likeNEDD4L, KIAA0439, NEDL3Homo sapiens (Human)975 AA
Q9H4B6SAV1_HUMANProtein salvador homolog 1SAV1, WW45Homo sapiens (Human)383 AA
P51168SCNNB_HUMANAmiloride-sensitive sodium channel subunit betaSCNN1BHomo sapiens (Human)640 AA
Q9BT67NFIP1_HUMANNEDD4 family-interacting protein 1NDFIP1, N4WBP5, PSEC0192, PSEC0223Homo sapiens (Human)221 AA
Q93096TP4A1_HUMANProtein tyrosine phosphatase type IVA 1PTP4A1, PRL1, PTPCAAX1Homo sapiens (Human)173 AA
O43307ARHG9_HUMANRho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 9ARHGEF9, ARHDH9, KIAA0424Homo sapiens (Human)516 AA
Q9QX73ARHG9_RATRho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 9Arhgef9Rattus norvegicus (Rat)493 AA
Q5JU85IQEC2_HUMANIQ motif and SEC7 domain-containing protein 2IQSEC2, KIAA0522Homo sapiens (Human)1,488 AA
P23415GLRA1_HUMANGlycine receptor subunit alpha-1GLRA1Homo sapiens (Human)457 AA
O00308WWP2_HUMANNEDD4-like E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase WWP2WWP2Homo sapiens (Human)870 AA
Q9BXM7PINK1_HUMANSerine/threonine-protein kinase PINK1, mitochondrialPINK1Homo sapiens (Human)581 AA
P37088SCNNA_HUMANAmiloride-sensitive sodium channel subunit alphaSCNN1A, SCNN1Homo sapiens (Human)669 AA
Q9WU39SCNNG_MOUSEAmiloride-sensitive sodium channel subunit gammaScnn1gMus musculus (Mouse)655 AA
P24524GLRA3_RATGlycine receptor subunit alpha-3Glra3Rattus norvegicus (Rat)464 AA
Q61180SCNNA_MOUSEAmiloride-sensitive sodium channel subunit alphaScnn1aMus musculus (Mouse)699 AA
Q9QYK7RNF11_MOUSERING finger protein 11Rnf11, N4wbp2, Sid1669Mus musculus (Mouse)154 AA
P97765WBP2_MOUSEWW domain-binding protein 2Wbp2Mus musculus (Mouse)261 AA
Q03555GEPH_RATGephyrinGphn, GphRattus norvegicus (Rat)768 AA
Q64018GLRA1_MOUSEGlycine receptor subunit alpha-1Glra1Mus musculus (Mouse)457 AA
Q62888NLGN2_RATNeuroligin-2Nlgn2Rattus norvegicus (Rat)836 AA
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