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UniProtKB 60 results

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EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
Q0SNU4PSTB_BORAPPhosphate import ATP-binding protein PstBpstB, BAPKO_0226, BafPKo_0221Borreliella afzelii (strain PKo) (Borrelia afzelii)260 AA
Q81VM2METN1_BACANMethionine import ATP-binding protein MetN 1metN1, BA_0174, GBAA_0174, BAS0176Bacillus anthracis346 AA
Q81ZF5METN2_BACANMethionine import ATP-binding protein MetN 2metN2, BA_0312, GBAA_0312, BAS0297Bacillus anthracis339 AA
Q81XL3METN3_BACANMethionine import ATP-binding protein MetN 3metN3, BA_5222, GBAA_5222, BAS4855Bacillus anthracis341 AA
Q81LW6PSTB_BACANPhosphate import ATP-binding protein PstBpstB, BA_4493, GBAA_4493, BAS4171Bacillus anthracis271 AA
Q81Y10PHNC_BACANPhosphonates import ATP-binding protein PhnCphnC, BA_3749, GBAA_3749, BAS3474Bacillus anthracis257 AA
Q81TH8POTA_BACANSpermidine/putrescine import ATP-binding protein PotApotA, BA_1297, GBAA_1297, BAS1199Bacillus anthracis327 AA
Q81P94SSUB_BACANAliphatic sulfonates import ATP-binding protein SsuBssuB, BA_2922, GBAA_2922, BAS2714Bacillus anthracis251 AA
Q81VQ2ECFA1_BACANEnergy-coupling factor transporter ATP-binding protein EcfA1ecfA1, cbiO1, BA_0139, GBAA_0139, BAS0139Bacillus anthracis280 AA
Q81K04NUOH_BACANNADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit HnuoH, BA_5538, GBAA_5538, BAS5146Bacillus anthracis333 AA
Q0SML1POTA_BORAPSpermidine/putrescine import ATP-binding protein PotApotA, BAPKO_0686, BafPKo_0666Borreliella afzelii (strain PKo) (Borrelia afzelii)347 AA
Q81VQ1ECFA2_BACANEnergy-coupling factor transporter ATP-binding protein EcfA2ecfA2, cbiO2, BA_0140, GBAA_0140, BAS0140Bacillus anthracis293 AA
Q81K03NUOD_BACANNADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit DnuoD, BA_5539, GBAA_5539, BAS5147Bacillus anthracis366 AA
A0A828U0M4A0A828U0M4_ECOLXNADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit BnuoB, ECDEC2D_2780Escherichia coli DEC2D220 AA
A0A828U2S6A0A828U2S6_ECOLXNADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit HnuoH, ECDEC2D_2775Escherichia coli DEC2D325 AA
B9TA53B9TA53_RICCOCytochrome c oxidase subunit 3RCOM_2040800Ricinus communis (Castor bean)371 AA
D6RYC6D6RYC6_BORVASpermidine/putrescine import ATP-binding protein PotApotA, BVAVS116_0660Borreliella valaisiana VS116347 AA
A0A7U8EXX5A0A7U8EXX5_BORBGSpermidine/putrescine import ATP-binding protein PotApotA, BBU118A_0661Borreliella burgdorferi 118a347 AA
B9X7S3B9X7S3_9SPIRSpermidine/putrescine import ATP-binding protein PotApotA, BSPA14S_0660Borreliella spielmanii A14S347 AA
G0AM83G0AM83_BORBDSpermidine/putrescine import ATP-binding protein PotApotA, BbiDN127_0653Borrelia bissettiae (strain DSM 17990 / CIP 109136 / DN127) (Borreliella bissettiae)347 AA
A0A0H3C0B9A0A0H3C0B9_BORBZSpermidine/putrescine import ATP-binding protein PotApotA, BbuZS7_0662Borreliella burgdorferi (strain ZS7) (Borrelia burgdorferi)347 AA
A0A826H2C5A0A826H2C5_9SPIRSpermidine/putrescine import ATP-binding protein PotApotA, BSV1_0670Borreliella finlandensis347 AA
B7XS33B7XS33_BORGRSpermidine/putrescine import ATP-binding protein PotApotA, BGAPBR_0668Borreliella garinii PBr347 AA
A0A6L8PFA8A0A6L8PFA8_BACANCytochrome c oxidase subunit 2ctaC, GBAA_4154Bacillus anthracis349 AA
A0A6L8P2R0A0A6L8P2R0_BACANNickel import system ATP-binding protein NikEGBAA_0659Bacillus anthracis308 AA
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