UniProtKB 499 results

O75677RFPL1_HUMANRet finger protein-like 1RFPL1, RFPL1L, RNF78Homo sapiens (Human)317 AA
P59750MERL_PAPANMerlinNF2Papio anubis (Olive baboon)595 AA
P52303AP1B1_RATAP-1 complex subunit beta-1Ap1b1, Adtb1Rattus norvegicus (Rat)949 AA
Q9UGP4LIMD1_HUMANLIM domain-containing protein 1LIMD1Homo sapiens (Human)676 AA
Q9NP91S6A20_HUMANSodium- and chloride-dependent transporter XTRP3SLC6A20, SIT1, XT3, XTRP3Homo sapiens (Human)592 AA
Q10567AP1B1_HUMANAP-1 complex subunit beta-1AP1B1, ADTB1, BAM22, CLAPB2Homo sapiens (Human)949 AA
Q9Z1M7LARG1_MOUSEXylosyl- and glucuronyltransferase LARGE1Large1, Kiaa0609, LargeMus musculus (Mouse)756 AA
O75679RFPL3_HUMANRet finger protein-like 3RFPL3Homo sapiens (Human)317 AA
P53673CRBA4_HUMANBeta-crystallin A4CRYBA4Homo sapiens (Human)196 AA
Q9H5F2CFA68_HUMANCilia- and flagella-associated protein 68CFAP68, C11orf1Homo sapiens (Human)150 AA
Q9UGU5HMGX4_HUMANHMG domain-containing protein 4HMGXB4, HMG2L1, HMGBCGHomo sapiens (Human)601 AA
Q9UH17ABC3B_HUMANDNA dC->dU-editing enzyme APOBEC-3BAPOBEC3BHomo sapiens (Human)382 AA
O75678RFPL2_HUMANRet finger protein-like 2RFPL2, RNF79Homo sapiens (Human)378 AA
P31941ABC3A_HUMANDNA dC->dU-editing enzyme APOBEC-3AAPOBEC3AHomo sapiens (Human)199 AA
O43761SNG3_HUMANSynaptogyrin-3SYNGR3Homo sapiens (Human)229 AA
O43760SNG2_HUMANSynaptogyrin-2SYNGR2, UNQ352/PRO615Homo sapiens (Human)224 AA
O43759SNG1_HUMANSynaptogyrin-1SYNGR1Homo sapiens (Human)233 AA
P53675CLH2_HUMANClathrin heavy chain 2CLTCL1, CLH22, CLTCL, CLTDHomo sapiens (Human)1,640 AA
O95461LARG1_HUMANXylosyl- and glucuronyltransferase LARGE1LARGE1, KIAA0609, LARGEHomo sapiens (Human)756 AA
O95907MOT3_HUMANMonocarboxylate transporter 3SLC16A8, MCT3Homo sapiens (Human)504 AA
Q6ICB4SESQ2_HUMANSesquipedalian-2PHETA2, FAM109BHomo sapiens (Human)259 AA
Q9UFD9RIM3A_HUMANRIMS-binding protein 3ARIMBP3, KIAA1666, RIMBP3AHomo sapiens (Human)1,639 AA
A0A087X1C5CP2D7_HUMANPutative cytochrome P450 2D7CYP2D7Homo sapiens (Human)515 AA
Q3SXP7SHSL1_HUMANProtein shisa-like-1SHISAL1, KIAA1644Homo sapiens (Human)199 AA
Q9BPW8NIPS1_HUMANProtein NipSnap homolog 1NIPSNAP1Homo sapiens (Human)284 AA
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