UniProtKB 9 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
P58456KAB5_OLDAFKalata-B5Oldenlandia affinis30 AA
P83938KAB4_OLDAFKalata-B4Oldenlandia affinis29 AA
P85130KAB12_OLDAFKalata-B12Oldenlandia affinis28 AA
P0DQZ2TXM1A_PTEMUMu/omega-theraphotoxin-Pmu1aPterinochilus murinus (Mombasa golden starburst baboon spider)36 AA
P84645PALIC_PALCOPalicoureinPalicourea condensata (Cappel)37 AA
A0A0E3SVE7CG2RA_CONMIConotoxin phi-MiXXVIIAConus miles (Soldier cone) (Mile cone)68 AA
P60272T21A_HADINU2-hexatoxin-Hi1aHadronyche infensa (Fraser island funnel-web spider) (Atrax infensus)83 AA
P56879CIRB_CHAPACirculin-BChassalia parviflora31 AA
P56871CIRA_CHAPACirculin-AChassalia parviflora30 AA
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