UniProtKB 7 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
E2GH13E2GH13_HUMANT-cell factor-4 variant FTCF7L2Homo sapiens (Human)464 AA
E2GH18E2GH18_HUMANT-cell factor-4 variant CTCF7L2Homo sapiens (Human)438 AA
E2GH15E2GH15_HUMANT-cell factor-4 variant DTCF7L2Homo sapiens (Human)461 AA
E2GH16E2GH16_HUMANT-cell factor-4 variant HTCF7L2Homo sapiens (Human)470 AA
E2GH23E2GH23_HUMANT-cell factor-4 variant ETCF7L2Homo sapiens (Human)596 AA
O62814O62814_PIGAdrenocorticotropic hormone receptorSus scrofa (Pig)153 AA
A8WG95A8WG95_DANREMembrane-associated transporter proteinslc45a2, aim1, im:7138762Danio rerio (Zebrafish) (Brachydanio rerio)554 AA
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