UniProtKB 263 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
R9QMQ9SBPN1_PINCO(-)-beta-pinene synthase 1, chloroplasticTPS-(-)Bpin1Pinus contorta (Shore pine) (Lodgepole pine)627 AA
R9QMW1SPIN1_PINBN(-)-alpha-pinene synthase 1, chloroplasticTPS-(-)A/Bpin1Pinus banksiana (Jack pine) (Pinus divaricata)623 AA
R9QMW5SBPN2_PINBN(-)-beta-pinene synthase 2, chloroplasticTPS-(-)Bpin2Pinus banksiana (Jack pine) (Pinus divaricata)627 AA
R9QMY8CAMPS_PINCO(-)-camphene synthase, chloroplasticTPS-(-)camp/(+)Apin1, TPS-(-)campPinus contorta (Shore pine) (Lodgepole pine)619 AA
R9QMR3SAPN1_PINCO(-)-alpha pinene synthase 1, chloroplasticTPS-(-)Apin1Pinus contorta (Shore pine) (Lodgepole pine)629 AA
R9QMZ0ATERP_PINCOAlpha terpineol synthase, chloroplasticTPS-1,8cin, TPS-AterpPinus contorta (Shore pine) (Lodgepole pine)616 AA
R9QMY9SAPN1_PINBN(-)-alpha pinene synthase 1, chloroplasticTPS-(-)Apin1Pinus banksiana (Jack pine) (Pinus divaricata)629 AA
R9QMR0SBPN1_PINBN(-)-beta-pinene synthase 1, chloroplasticTPS-(-)Bpin1Pinus banksiana (Jack pine) (Pinus divaricata)628 AA
R9QMR5ATERP_PINBNAlpha terpineol synthase, chloroplasticTPS-AterpPinus banksiana (Jack pine) (Pinus divaricata)626 AA
R9QMW3BPHL2_PINCO(-)-beta-phellandrene synthase 2, chloroplasticTPS-(-)Bphell2Pinus contorta (Shore pine) (Lodgepole pine)624 AA
R9QMW7BPHL1_PINBN(-)-beta-phellandrene synthase 1, chloroplasticTPS-(-)Bphell1Pinus banksiana (Jack pine) (Pinus divaricata)621 AA
R9QMR4BPHL1_PINCO(-)-beta-phellandrene synthase 1, chloroplasticTPS-(-)Bphell1Pinus contorta (Shore pine) (Lodgepole pine)621 AA
R9QMW43CAR1_PINBN(+)-3-carene synthase 1, chloroplasticTPS-(+)3car1Pinus banksiana (Jack pine) (Pinus divaricata)626 AA
R9QMW83CAR1_PINCO(+)-3-carene synthase 1, chloroplasticTPS-(+)3car1Pinus contorta (Shore pine) (Lodgepole pine)626 AA
R9QMR1RAPN1_PINBN(+)-alpha pinene synthase 1, chloroplasticTPS-(+)Apin1Pinus banksiana (Jack pine) (Pinus divaricata)628 AA
R9QMR63CAR2_PINBN(+)-3-carene synthase 2, chloroplasticTPS-(+)3car2Pinus banksiana (Jack pine) (Pinus divaricata)626 AA
R9QMW2RAPN1_PINCO(+)-alpha pinene synthase 1, chloroplasticTPS-(+)Apin1Pinus contorta (Shore pine) (Lodgepole pine)628 AA
R9QMR2MTPS1_PINBNMonoterpene synthase like 1, chloroplasticTPS-mono1Pinus banksiana (Jack pine) (Pinus divaricata)628 AA
R9QMY7MTPS1_PINCOMonoterpene synthase like 1, chloroplasticTPS-mono1Pinus contorta (Shore pine) (Lodgepole pine)627 AA
R9QMW6MTPS2_PINBNMonoterpene synthase like 2, chloroplasticTPS-mono2Pinus banksiana (Jack pine) (Pinus divaricata)628 AA
F0X8C8LAP1_GROCLLeucine aminopeptidase 1LAP1, CMQ_3959Grosmannia clavigera (strain kw1407 / UAMH 11150) (Blue stain fungus) (Graphiocladiella clavigera)408 AA
S3C8F2S3C8F2_OPHP1Catalase-peroxidasekatG, F503_06893Ophiostoma piceae (strain UAMH 11346) (Sap stain fungus)806 AA
S3C586S3C586_OPHP1NADPH--cytochrome P450 reductasecprA, F503_04246Ophiostoma piceae (strain UAMH 11346) (Sap stain fungus)690 AA
S3BTY7S3BTY7_OPHP1Uridylate kinaseF503_04800Ophiostoma piceae (strain UAMH 11346) (Sap stain fungus)332 AA
S3BWK7S3BWK7_OPHP1PAN2-PAN3 deadenylation complex catalytic subunit PAN2PAN2, F503_00081Ophiostoma piceae (strain UAMH 11346) (Sap stain fungus)1,399 AA
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