UniProtKB 23,303 results

P0A1I3INVA_SALTYInvasion protein InvAinvA, STM2896Salmonella typhimurium (strain LT2 / SGSC1412 / ATCC 700720)685 AA
P76298FLHA_ECOLIFlagellar biosynthesis protein FlhAflhA, b1879, JW1868Escherichia coli (strain K12)692 AA
P35620FLHA_BACSUFlagellar biosynthesis protein FlhAflhA, BSU16390Bacillus subtilis (strain 168)677 AA
O06758FLHA_HELPYFlagellar biosynthesis protein FlhAflhA, flbA, HP_1041Helicobacter pylori (strain ATCC 700392 / 26695) (Campylobacter pylori)733 AA
P0A1I5MXIA_SHIFLProtein MxiAmxiA, virH, CP0147Shigella flexneri686 AA
P74856SSAV_SALTYSecretion system apparatus protein SsaVssaV, STM1414Salmonella typhimurium (strain LT2 / SGSC1412 / ATCC 700720)681 AA
Q47153LFHA_ECOLIPutative truncated flagellar export/assembly protein LfhAlfhA, fhiA, b0229, JW5811Escherichia coli (strain K12)579 AA
B5FII7SSAV_SALDCSecretion system apparatus protein SsaVssaV, SeD_A1929Salmonella dublin (strain CT_02021853)681 AA
D3GS80LFHA_ECO44Putative flagellar export/assembly protein LfhAlfhA, EC042_0245, Ec042-0245Escherichia coli O44:H18 (strain 042 / EAEC)697 AA
O67265FLHA_AQUAEFlagellar biosynthesis protein FlhAflhA, aq_1212Aquifex aeolicus (strain VF5)678 AA
P0A1I4INVA_SALTIInvasion protein InvAinvA, STY3019, t2798Salmonella typhi685 AA
P69956LCRD_YERPSLow calcium response locus protein DlcrD, pYV0060Yersinia pseudotuberculosis serotype I (strain IP32953)704 AA
Q8K9S0FLHA_BUCAPFlagellar biosynthesis protein FlhAflhA, BUsg_236Buchnera aphidicola subsp. Schizaphis graminum (strain Sg)695 AA
Q8YDK9FLHA_BRUMEFlagellar biosynthesis protein FlhAflhA, BMEII0166/BMEII0167Brucella melitensis biotype 1 (strain ATCC 23456 / CCUG 17765 / NCTC 10094 / 16M)723 AA
D0ZWU0SSAV_SALT1Secretion system apparatus protein SsaVssaV, STM14_1710Salmonella typhimurium (strain 14028s / SGSC 2262)681 AA
P0A1I6MXIA_SHISOProtein MxiAmxiA, virHShigella sonnei686 AA
Q9ZM40FLHA_HELPJFlagellar biosynthesis protein FlhAflhA, flbA, jhp_0383Helicobacter pylori (strain J99 / ATCC 700824) (Campylobacter pylori J99)733 AA
A1JU76LCRD_YERE8Low calcium response locus protein DlcrD, YEP0018Yersinia enterocolitica serotype O:8 / biotype 1B (strain NCTC 13174 / 8081)704 AA
P40729FLHA_SALTYFlagellar biosynthesis protein FlhAflhA, STM1913Salmonella typhimurium (strain LT2 / SGSC1412 / ATCC 700720)692 AA
P55726Y4YR_SINFNProbable translocation protein y4yRNGR_a00530, y4yRSinorhizobium fredii (strain NBRC 101917 / NGR234)697 AA
P69955LCRD_YERPELow calcium response locus protein DlcrD, YPCD1.34c, y5044, y0047, YP_pCD49Yersinia pestis704 AA
Q56887FLHA_YERENFlagellar biosynthesis protein FlhAflhAYersinia enterocolitica692 AA
P0C2V3LCRD_YERENLow calcium response locus protein DlcrDYersinia enterocolitica704 AA
P35654HRPI_ERWAMHarpin secretion protein HrpIhrpIErwinia amylovora (Fire blight bacteria)715 AA
P57335FLHA_BUCAIFlagellar biosynthesis protein FlhAflhA, BU241Buchnera aphidicola subsp. Acyrthosiphon pisum (strain APS) (Acyrthosiphon pisum symbiotic bacterium)696 AA
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