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UniProtKB 57 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
P20153USP_DROMEProtein ultraspiracleusp, Cf1, NR2B4, CG4380Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)508 AA
P34021ECR_DROMEEcdysone receptorEcR, NR1H1, CG1765Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)878 AA
Q24106HID_DROMECell death protein hidhid, W, CG5123Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)410 AA
Q95078CP18A_DROMECytochrome P450 18a1Cyp18a1, CYP18, Eig17-1, CG6816Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)538 AA
Q9VK45TOR_DROMESerine/threonine-protein kinase mTormTor, Tor, CG5092Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)2,470 AA
O01404PHM_DROMEPeptidylglycine alpha-hydroxylating monooxygenasePhm, CG3832Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)365 AA
P21521SY65_DROMESynaptotagmin 1Syt1, syt, CG3139Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)474 AA
Q24206BRC4_DROMEBroad-complex core protein isoform 6br, Br-C, CG11491Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)880 AA
Q9VVH9SO74D_DROMESolute carrier organic anion transporter family member 74DOatp74D, CG7571Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)819 AA
P09775AST8_DROMEAchaete-scute complex protein T8ase, T8, CG3258Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)486 AA
P29993ITPR_DROMEInositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptorItpr, dip, InsP3R, Itp-r83A, CG1063Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)2,838 AA
Q9VGH1CP315_DROMECytochrome P450 315a1, mitochondrialsad, Cyp315a1, CG14728Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)520 AA
Q9VUF8CP314_DROMEEcdysone 20-monooxygenaseshd, CYP314A1, CG13478Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)540 AA
P29617PROS_DROMEHomeobox protein prosperopros, CG17228Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)1,703 AA
Q01295BRC1_DROMEBroad-complex core protein isoforms 1/2/3/4/5br, Br-C, CG11491Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)727 AA
Q9VND8RHEB_DROMEGTP-binding protein Rheb homologRheb, CG1081Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)182 AA
Q9VWR5CP306_DROMECytochrome P450 306a1phtm, Cyp306a1, CG6578Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)574 AA
A0A0B4K6Q6A0A0B4K6Q6_DROMEProspero, isoform Hpros, 0244/09, 0320/10, 0441/16, 0451/09, 0563/18, 0585/13, 0664/07, 0671/02, 0763/13, 0989/01, 1135/07, 1135/09, 1167/13, 1316/02, 671/2, anon-WO0140519.15, BcDNA:HL08040, Dmel\CG17228, DMPROSPER, DROPROSA, l(3)10419, l(3)j12C8, l(3)j6E2, l(3)rH013, l(3)rI160, l(3)rJ806, l(3)rK137, l(3)rK204, l(3)rL433, l(3)rO534, Pro, pro, PROS, Pros, PROS-1, PROS-2, Prosp, prosp, Prospero, Voila, voila, CG17228, Dmel_CG17228Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)1,674 AA
D8FT05D8FT05_DROMEBroad, isoform Obr, 2B5, 2Bc, A18, BR, Br, BR-C, BR-c, Br-C, Br-c, br-C, br-c, BR-C Z1, Br-C Z2, Br-C-Z3, br-RG, BR-Z1, br-Z1, BR-Z2, br-Z2, BR-Z3, br-Z3, BR-Z4, Br-Z4, br-Z4, BR_C, BRC, BrC, BRC-Z1, BrC-Z1, BRC-Z2, BRC-Z3, BRC-Z4, Broad, BrZ3, CG11509, CG11511, CG11514, de12, Dmel\CG11491, ecs, EG:123F11.1, EG:17A9.1, EG:25D2.1, l(1)2Ba, l(1)2Bab, l(1)2Bad, l(1)2Bb, l(1)2Bc, l(1)2Bd, l(1)d norm-12, l(1)d.norm.1, l(1)dn1, l(1)ESHS5, l(1)G0018, l(1)G0042, l(1)G0284, l(1)G0284a, l(1)G0318, l(1)G0401, l(1)n34, l(1)npr-1, l(1)npr1, l(1)pp-1, l(1)pp-2, l(1)PP1, l(1)pp1, l(1)pp2, l(1)ts132, l(1)ts144, l(1)ts358, l(1)ts376, npr, npr-1, npr1, nprl, nrp, nrp1, o.c.c, PP1, PP2, rbp, rdp, rds, uq, Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4, CG11491, Dmel_CG11491Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)663 AA
Q9W2S2Q9W2S2_DROMEAutophagy-related 8a, isoform AAtg8a, agt8a, Atg-8a, ATG8, Atg8, atg8, ATG8/LC3, Atg8/LC3, ATG8A, ATG8a, Atg8A, atg8A, atg8a, Atg8alpha, BcDNA:LD05816, CG1534, dAtg8, dAtg8a, DmAtg8a, Dmel\CG32672, DrAtg8a, LC3, LC3/Atg8, CG32672, Dmel_CG32672Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)121 AA
X2J4C1X2J4C1_DROMESynaptotagmin 1, isoform ISyt1, 2L17, D. Syt I, Dmel\CG3139, Droso1, DSypt, DSypt1, DSYT, DSyt, dSYT, DSYT1, DSyt1, dSyt1, dsyt1, DSYT2, Dsyt2, dsytI, l(2)23AB1, l(2)23Ba, l(2)k05909, STY1, syn, SYT, Syt, syt, Syt 1, syt 1, SYT I, Syt I, syt I, Syt-1, syt-1, SYT1, syt1, SytI, sytI, CG3139, Dmel_CG3139Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)472 AA
E1JGY2E1JGY2_DROMEEcdysone receptorEcR, anon-WO0229075.1, CG8347, DEcR, dECR, Dhr23, DmEcR, dmEcR, Dmel\CG1765, EcdR, ECR, Ecr, ecr, EcR-A, EcR-B, EcR-B1, ECR-C, EcR1b, Ecr1B, EcRA, EcRB, EcRB-1, EcRB1, EcrB1, EcRC, lie, ms(2)06410, ms(2)42A, NR1H1, snt, USP, Usp, CG1765, Dmel_CG1765Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)878 AA
Q8IRX4Q8IRX4_DROMEBroad, isoform Jbr, 2B5, 2Bc, A18, BR, Br, BR-C, BR-c, Br-C, Br-c, br-C, br-c, BR-C Z1, Br-C Z2, Br-C-Z3, BR-Z1, br-Z1, BR-Z2, br-Z2, BR-Z3, br-Z3, BR-Z4, Br-Z4, br-Z4, BR_C, BRC, BrC, BRC-Z1, BrC-Z1, BRC-Z2, BRC-Z3, BRC-Z4, Broad, BrZ3, CG11509, CG11511, CG11514, de12, Dmel\CG11491, ecs, EG:123F11.1, EG:17A9.1, EG:25D2.1, l(1)2Ba, l(1)2Bab, l(1)2Bad, l(1)2Bb, l(1)2Bc, l(1)2Bd, l(1)d norm-12, l(1)d.norm.1, l(1)dn1, l(1)ESHS5, l(1)G0018, l(1)G0042, l(1)G0284, l(1)G0284a, l(1)G0318, l(1)G0401, l(1)n34, l(1)npr-1, l(1)npr1, l(1)pp-1, l(1)pp-2, l(1)PP1, l(1)pp1, l(1)pp2, l(1)ts132, l(1)ts144, l(1)ts358, l(1)ts376, npr, npr-1, npr1, nprl, nrp, nrp1, o.c.c, PP1, PP2, rbp, rdp, rds, uq, Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4, CG11491, Dmel_CG11491Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)514 AA
Q9U9A9Q9U9A9_DROMETuberous sclerosis gene product-1 homologTsc1, TSC1, CG6147Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)1,100 AA
X2J979X2J979_DROMESynaptotagmin 1, isoform HSyt1, 2L17, D. Syt I, Dmel\CG3139, Droso1, DSypt, DSypt1, DSYT, DSyt, dSYT, DSYT1, DSyt1, dSyt1, dsyt1, DSYT2, Dsyt2, dsytI, l(2)23AB1, l(2)23Ba, l(2)k05909, STY1, syn, SYT, Syt, syt, Syt 1, syt 1, SYT I, Syt I, syt I, Syt-1, syt-1, SYT1, syt1, SytI, sytI, CG3139, Dmel_CG3139Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)473 AA
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