UniProtKB 111 results

Q95RQ8PITA_DROMEZinc finger protein pitapita, spdk, CG3941Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)683 AA
Q9U405GRAU_DROMETranscription factor grauzonegrau, CG3282Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)570 AA
Q9VJN5WEK_DROMEZinc finger protein wecklewek, l(2)35Ea, CG4148Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)470 AA
Q9VHM6OUIB_DROMETranscription factor OuibOuib, CG11762Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)312 AA
Q9VR05PARIS_DROMEZinc finger protein ParisParis, CG15436Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)346 AA
Q9VXG1HANG_DROMEZinc finger protein hangoverhang, CG32575Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)1,959 AA
Q9VLK8PIRAG_DROMEZinc finger protein piraguaprg, FU12, fu2, pra, CG9233Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)558 AA
Q8IMW5Q8IMW5_DROMEMolting defective, isoform Amld, CG13620, CG31312, CG33343, CG9469, Dmel\CG34100, DTS-3, L(3)3[DTS], l(3)3[DTS], l(3)DTS3, Mld, CG34100, Dmel_CG34100Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)1,918 AA
A0A0B4K6J3A0A0B4K6J3_DROMEMolting defective, isoform Fmld, CG13620, CG31312, CG33343, CG9469, Dmel\CG34100, DTS-3, L(3)3[DTS], l(3)3[DTS], l(3)DTS3, Mld, CG34100, Dmel_CG34100Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)1,896 AA
A0A0B4K7S6A0A0B4K7S6_DROMEMolting defective, isoform Dmld, CG13620, CG31312, CG33343, CG9469, Dmel\CG34100, DTS-3, L(3)3[DTS], l(3)3[DTS], l(3)DTS3, Mld, CG34100, Dmel_CG34100Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)1,965 AA
Q9VI24Q9VI24_DROMELD25151pZif, anon-WO0118547.391, CC32, Dmel\CG10267, ZIF, zif, CG10267, Dmel_CG10267Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)388 AA
Q9W4V9Q9W4V9_DROMEDeformed wingsdwg, CG2714, Dmel\CG2711, DWG, Dwg, EG:95B7.6, l(1)3Be, l(1)zw5, SBP, Sbp, ves, ZW-5, Zw-5, zw-5, ZW5, Zw5, zw5, CG2711, Dmel_CG2711Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)592 AA
A0A0C4DHB7A0A0C4DHB7_DROMEMolting defective, isoform Emld, CG13620, CG31312, CG33343, CG9469, Dmel\CG34100, DTS-3, L(3)3[DTS], l(3)3[DTS], l(3)DTS3, Mld, CG34100, Dmel_CG34100Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)1,943 AA
Q7JQY8Q7JQY8_DROMELD40262pp190, BEST:LD40262, CG12941, CG18353, Dmel\CG30020, CG30020, Dmel_CG30020Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)1,309 AA
Q9VDQ4Q9VDQ4_DROMETrade embargotrem, Dmel\CG4413, CG4413, Dmel_CG4413Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)439 AA
Q9VEF0Q9VEF0_DROMELD33778pOdj, Dmel\CG7357, CG7357, Dmel_CG7357Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)430 AA
Q9U9D0Q9U9D0_DROMEZeste-white 5dwg, zw5, CG2711Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)591 AA
Q9V474Q9V474_DROMEBcDNA.LD26519dbr, BcDNA.LD26519, BcDNA:LD26519, Dbr, Debra, Dmel\CG11371, EP0456, EP456, CG11371, Dmel_CG11371Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)1,007 AA
Q9VHM3Q9VHM3_DROMELD30467pM1BP, CC31, Dmel\CG9797, CG9797, Dmel_CG9797Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)418 AA
Q8SXZ3Q8SXZ3_DROMERE41968ptrem, CG4413Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)370 AA
M9PF60M9PF60_DROMEMeiotic central spindle, isoform BMeics, Dmel\CG8474, CG8474, Dmel_CG8474Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)571 AA
M9PGR0M9PGR0_DROMEDorsal interacting protein 1, isoform BDlip1, DIP1, Dip1, dip1, dlip, Dmel\CG15367, CG15367, Dmel_CG15367Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)176 AA
Q7YTY9Q7YTY9_DROMEGH06338pCG30431Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)214 AA
Q8MQX2Q8MQX2_DROMESD05592pCG8159Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)399 AA
Q8MSE5Q8MSE5_DROMEGM26972pnom, CG8145Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)269 AA
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