UniProtKB 12 results

Q9Z266SNAPN_MOUSESNARE-associated protein SnapinSnapin, Bloc1s7, Snap25bp, SnapapMus musculus (Mouse)136 AA
Q8K0L9ZBT20_MOUSEZinc finger and BTB domain-containing protein 20Zbtb20, Zfp288Mus musculus (Mouse)741 AA
Q3UY32Q3UY32_MOUSESNARE-associated protein SnapinSnapin, SnapapMus musculus (Mouse)136 AA
E0CYH3E0CYH3_MOUSEZinc finger and BTB domain containing 20Zbtb20Mus musculus (Mouse)138 AA
V9GXI0V9GXI0_MOUSESNAP-associated proteinSnapinMus musculus (Mouse)53 AA
Q9QZF3Q9QZF3_MOUSEBTB/POZ domain zinc finger factor HOF-LZbtb20, Zfp288Mus musculus (Mouse)741 AA
E0CX28E0CX28_MOUSEZinc finger and BTB domain containing 20Zbtb20Mus musculus (Mouse)63 AA
E0CYJ9E0CYJ9_MOUSEZinc finger and BTB domain containing 20Zbtb20Mus musculus (Mouse)131 AA
Q8CAI3Q8CAI3_MOUSESecreted proteinZbtb20Mus musculus (Mouse)100 AA
E0CXK1E0CXK1_MOUSEZinc finger and BTB domain containing 20Zbtb20Mus musculus (Mouse)75 AA
E0CXT9E0CXT9_MOUSEZinc finger and BTB domain containing 20Zbtb20Mus musculus (Mouse)60 AA
V9GXT7V9GXT7_MOUSESNAP-associated proteinSnapinMus musculus (Mouse)56 AA
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