UniProtKB 133 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
P31316GSX2_MOUSEGS homeobox 2Gsx2, Gsh-2, Gsh2Mus musculus (Mouse)305 AA
P50220NKX21_MOUSEHomeobox protein Nkx-2.1Nkx2-1, Nkx-2.1, Titf1, Ttf1Mus musculus (Mouse)372 AA
P70677CASP3_MOUSECaspase-3Casp3, Cpp32Mus musculus (Mouse)277 AA
Q80Z25OFD1_MOUSECentriole and centriolar satellite protein OFD1Ofd1Mus musculus (Mouse)1,017 AA
P39447ZO1_MOUSETight junction protein 1Tjp1, Zo1Mus musculus (Mouse)1,745 AA
E9PVX6KI67_MOUSEProliferation marker protein Ki-67Mki67Mus musculus (Mouse)3,177 AA
P70447NGN2_MOUSENeurogenin-2Neurog2, Ath4a, Atoh4, Ngn2Mus musculus (Mouse)263 AA
P97299SFRP2_MOUSESecreted frizzled-related protein 2Sfrp2, Sarp1, Sdf5Mus musculus (Mouse)295 AA
Q02067ASCL1_MOUSEAchaete-scute homolog 1Ascl1, Ash1, Mash-1, Mash1Mus musculus (Mouse)231 AA
Q64336TBR1_MOUSET-box brain protein 1Tbr1Mus musculus (Mouse)681 AA
P40764DLX2_MOUSEHomeobox protein DLX-2Dlx2, Tes-1, Tes1Mus musculus (Mouse)332 AA
P47806GLI1_MOUSEZinc finger protein GLI1Gli1, GliMus musculus (Mouse)1,111 AA
P56726SMO_MOUSEProtein smoothenedSmo, SmohMus musculus (Mouse)793 AA
P63015PAX6_MOUSEPaired box protein Pax-6Pax6, Pax-6, SeyMus musculus (Mouse)422 AA
Q02248CTNB1_MOUSECatenin beta-1Ctnnb1, CatnbMus musculus (Mouse)781 AA
Q61115PTC1_MOUSEProtein patched homolog 1Ptch1, PtchMus musculus (Mouse)1,434 AA
Q61602GLI3_MOUSETranscriptional activator GLI3Gli3Mus musculus (Mouse)1,583 AA
Q8VHH7ADCY3_MOUSEAdenylate cyclase type 3Adcy3Mus musculus (Mouse)1,145 AA
Q9Z0S2LHX2_MOUSELIM/homeobox protein Lhx2Lhx2Mus musculus (Mouse)406 AA
O54839EOMES_MOUSEEomesodermin homologEomes, Tbr2Mus musculus (Mouse)707 AA
P83887TBG1_MOUSETubulin gamma-1 chainTubg1, TubgMus musculus (Mouse)451 AA
Q62226SHH_MOUSESonic hedgehog proteinShh, Hhg1Mus musculus (Mouse)437 AA
Q99NH2PARD3_MOUSEPartitioning defective 3 homologPard3, Par3Mus musculus (Mouse)1,333 AA
Q9WUD6WNT8B_MOUSEProtein Wnt-8bWnt8bMus musculus (Mouse)350 AA
Q8VCK3TBG2_MOUSETubulin gamma-2 chainTubg2Mus musculus (Mouse)451 AA
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