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UniProtKB 166 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
P15692VEGFA_HUMANVascular endothelial growth factor A, long formVEGFA, VEGFHomo sapiens (Human)395 AA
P15976GATA1_HUMANErythroid transcription factorGATA1, ERYF1, GF1Homo sapiens (Human)413 AA
P14753EPOR_MOUSEErythropoietin receptorEporMus musculus (Mouse)507 AA
P97812IHH_MOUSEIndian hedgehog proteinIhhMus musculus (Mouse)411 AA
Q08369GATA4_MOUSETranscription factor GATA-4Gata4, Gata-4Mus musculus (Mouse)441 AA
O09100GATA2_MOUSEEndothelial transcription factor GATA-2Gata2Mus musculus (Mouse)480 AA
P21275BMP4_MOUSEBone morphogenetic protein 4Bmp4, Bmp-4, Dvr-4Mus musculus (Mouse)408 AA
Q61115PTC1_MOUSEProtein patched homolog 1Ptch1, PtchMus musculus (Mouse)1,434 AA
O35615FOG1_MOUSEZinc finger protein ZFPM1Zfpm1, Fog, Fog1Mus musculus (Mouse)995 AA
P21803FGFR2_MOUSEFibroblast growth factor receptor 2Fgfr2, Bek, Ect1Mus musculus (Mouse)821 AA
P08680HEM0_MOUSE5-aminolevulinate synthase, erythroid-specific, mitochondrialAlas2Mus musculus (Mouse)587 AA
P15655FGF2_MOUSEFibroblast growth factor 2Fgf2, Fgf-2Mus musculus (Mouse)154 AA
P17433SPI1_MOUSETranscription factor PU.1Spi1, Sfpi-1, Sfpi1Mus musculus (Mouse)272 AA
P35918VGFR2_MOUSEVascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2Kdr, Flk-1, Flk1Mus musculus (Mouse)1,345 AA
P70677CASP3_MOUSECaspase-3Casp3, Cpp32Mus musculus (Mouse)277 AA
Q03347RUNX1_MOUSERunt-related transcription factor 1Runx1, Aml1, Cbfa2, Pebp2abMus musculus (Mouse)451 AA
Q9WV69DEMA_MOUSEDematinDmtn, Epb4.9, Epb49Mus musculus (Mouse)405 AA
P07321EPO_MOUSEErythropoietinEpoMus musculus (Mouse)192 AA
P16092FGFR1_MOUSEFibroblast growth factor receptor 1Fgfr1, FlgMus musculus (Mouse)822 AA
P17679GATA1_MOUSEErythroid transcription factorGata1, Gf-1Mus musculus (Mouse)413 AA
P22091TAL1_MOUSET-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia protein 1 homologTal1, Scl, Tal-1Mus musculus (Mouse)329 AA
P25801RBTN2_MOUSERhombotin-2Lmo2, Rbtn-2, Rbtn2, Rhom-2Mus musculus (Mouse)158 AA
P36895BMR1A_MOUSEBone morphogenetic protein receptor type-1ABmpr1a, Acvrlk3, BmprMus musculus (Mouse)532 AA
Q00731VEGFA_MOUSEVascular endothelial growth factor A, long formVegfa, VegfMus musculus (Mouse)392 AA
Q08481PECA1_MOUSEPlatelet endothelial cell adhesion moleculePecam1, Pecam, Pecam-1Mus musculus (Mouse)727 AA
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