UniProtKB 23 results

Q9V3Q6M3K7_DROMEMitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7Tak1, CG18492Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)678 AA
P24492DIPA_DROMEDiptericin ADptA, Dipt, Dpt, CG12763Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)106 AA
Q9GNK5PGPLC_DROMEPeptidoglycan-recognition protein LCPGRP-LC, ird7, PGRPLC, CG4432Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)520 AA
P41964DMYC_DROMEDrosomycinDrs, CRP, CG10810Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)70 AA
P45884ATTA_DROMEAttacin-AAttA, CG10146Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)224 AA
Q9VHV8Q9VHV8_DROMEPuckered, isoform Apuc, 0238/03, 1351/08, Dmel\CG7850, hrt, JNK-DSP, l(3)84Eh, l(3)A251.1, l(3)j4E1, PUC, Puc, PUC/MKP, vco, CG7850, Dmel_CG7850Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)476 AA
A0A0B4LHX7A0A0B4LHX7_DROMEPuckered, isoform Bpuc, 0238/03, 1351/08, Dmel\CG7850, hrt, JNK-DSP, l(3)84Eh, l(3)A251.1, l(3)j4E1, PUC, Puc, PUC/MKP, vco, CG7850, Dmel_CG7850Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)369 AA
O46122O46122_DROMEPuckered proteinpuc, puckered, CG7850Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)476 AA
X2JFZ3X2JFZ3_DROMEmitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinaseTak1, CG1388, D-TAK, D-tak, D10, Dmel\CG18492, DmTak1, DTak, dTAK, dTak, dTAK-1, DTAK1, DTak1, dTAK1, dTak1, dtak1, TAK, Tak, tak, Tak 1, TAK-1, TAK1, tak1, CG18492, Dmel_CG18492Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)258 AA
A0A0S0WMR4A0A0S0WMR4_DROMEPeptidoglycan recognition protein LC, isoform IPGRP-LC, (PGRP)-LC, Dm PGRP-LC, Dmel\CG4432, ird7, pgrp, pgrp lc, Pgrp-LC, pgrp-lc, PGRP-LCa, PGRP-LCd, PGRP-LCx, PGRPLC, tot, CG4432, Dmel_CG4432Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)501 AA
A0A2U8U0I3A0A2U8U0I3_DROMEPeptidoglycan recognition protein LC, isoform JPGRP-LC, (PGRP)-LC, Dm PGRP-LC, Dmel\CG4432, ird7, pgrp, pgrp lc, Pgrp-LC, pgrp-lc, PGRP-LCa, PGRP-LCd, PGRP-LCx, PGRPLC, tot, CG4432, Dmel_CG4432Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)340 AA
A0A2U8U141A0A2U8U141_DROMEPeptidoglycan recognition protein LC, isoform KPGRP-LC, (PGRP)-LC, Dm PGRP-LC, Dmel\CG4432, ird7, pgrp, pgrp lc, Pgrp-LC, pgrp-lc, PGRP-LCa, PGRP-LCd, PGRP-LCx, PGRPLC, tot, CG4432, Dmel_CG4432Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)330 AA
E1JI88E1JI88_DROMEPeptidoglycan recognition protein LC, isoform DPGRP-LC, (PGRP)-LC, Dm PGRP-LC, Dmel\CG4432, ird7, pgrp, pgrp lc, Pgrp-LC, pgrp-lc, PGRP-LCa, PGRP-LCd, PGRP-LCx, PGRPLC, tot, CG4432, Dmel_CG4432Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)500 AA
E1JI89E1JI89_DROMEPeptidoglycan recognition protein LC, isoform EPGRP-LC, (PGRP)-LC, Dm PGRP-LC, Dmel\CG4432, ird7, pgrp, pgrp lc, Pgrp-LC, pgrp-lc, PGRP-LCa, PGRP-LCd, PGRP-LCx, PGRPLC, tot, CG4432, Dmel_CG4432Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)329 AA
M9NDN2M9NDN2_DROMEPeptidoglycan recognition protein LC, isoform HPGRP-LC, (PGRP)-LC, Dm PGRP-LC, Dmel\CG4432, ird7, pgrp, pgrp lc, Pgrp-LC, pgrp-lc, PGRP-LCa, PGRP-LCd, PGRP-LCx, PGRPLC, tot, CG4432, Dmel_CG4432Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)520 AA
E1JI87E1JI87_DROMEPeptidoglycan recognition protein LC, isoform GPGRP-LC, (PGRP)-LC, Dm PGRP-LC, Dmel\CG4432, ird7, pgrp, pgrp lc, Pgrp-LC, pgrp-lc, PGRP-LCa, PGRP-LCd, PGRP-LCx, PGRPLC, tot, CG4432, Dmel_CG4432Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)345 AA
Q95NP8Q95NP8_DROMEAttacin AAttA, CG10146Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)206 AA
Q95SX2Q95SX2_DROMELP05763pAttA, CG10146Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)86 AA
Q95U99Q95U99_DROMEAttacin AAttA, CG10146Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)209 AA
Q95U97Q95U97_DROMEAttacin AAttA, CG10146Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)206 AA
Q95U98Q95U98_DROMEAttacin AAttA, CG10146Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)206 AA
Q95UA0Q95UA0_DROMEAttacin AAttA, CG10146Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)209 AA
Q95UA1Q95UA1_DROMEAttacin AAttA, CG10146Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)206 AA
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