UniProtKB 5 results

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EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
A0A0B7JBK0A0A0B7JBK0_9GAMMVitamin B12 transporter BtuBbtuB, C9J27_25475Photobacterium kishitanii609 AA
A0A0B7JH92A0A0B7JH92_9GAMMTonB-dependent siderophore receptorC9J27_09215Photobacterium kishitanii691 AA
A0A2T3KGL2A0A2T3KGL2_9GAMMLigand-gated channelC9J27_13680Photobacterium kishitanii704 AA
A0A2T3KD08A0A2T3KD08_9GAMMTonB-dependent siderophore receptorC9J27_20390Photobacterium kishitanii713 AA
A0A2T3KIB0A0A2T3KIB0_9GAMMTonB-dependent hemoglobin/transferrin/lactoferrin family receptorC9J27_10510Photobacterium kishitanii711 AA
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