UniProtKB 27 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
P02679FIBG_HUMANFibrinogen gamma chainFGG, PRO2061Homo sapiens (Human)453 AA
P04275VWF_HUMANvon Willebrand factorVWF, F8VWFHomo sapiens (Human)2,813 AA
P05106ITB3_HUMANIntegrin beta-3ITGB3, GP3AHomo sapiens (Human)788 AA
P01112RASH_HUMANGTPase HRasHRAS, HRAS1Homo sapiens (Human)189 AA
P01116RASK_HUMANGTPase KRasKRAS, KRAS2, RASK2Homo sapiens (Human)189 AA
P27361MK03_HUMANMitogen-activated protein kinase 3MAPK3, ERK1, PRKM3Homo sapiens (Human)379 AA
P28482MK01_HUMANMitogen-activated protein kinase 1MAPK1, ERK2, PRKM1, PRKM2Homo sapiens (Human)360 AA
P18206VINC_HUMANVinculinVCLHomo sapiens (Human)1,134 AA
P27448MARK3_HUMANMAP/microtubule affinity-regulating kinase 3MARK3, CTAK1, EMK2Homo sapiens (Human)753 AA
P61224RAP1B_HUMANRas-related protein Rap-1bRAP1B, OK/SW-cl.11Homo sapiens (Human)184 AA
Q6VAB6KSR2_HUMANKinase suppressor of Ras 2KSR2Homo sapiens (Human)950 AA
Q7Z5R6AB1IP_HUMANAmyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family B member 1-interacting proteinAPBB1IP, PREL1, RARP1, RIAMHomo sapiens (Human)666 AA
Q969H4CNKR1_HUMANConnector enhancer of kinase suppressor of ras 1CNKSR1, CNK1Homo sapiens (Human)720 AA
P02671FIBA_HUMANFibrinogen alpha chainFGAHomo sapiens (Human)866 AA
P10398ARAF_HUMANSerine/threonine-protein kinase A-RafARAF, ARAF1, PKS, PKS2Homo sapiens (Human)606 AA
P15056BRAF_HUMANSerine/threonine-protein kinase B-rafBRAF, BRAF1, RAFB1Homo sapiens (Human)766 AA
P319461433B_HUMAN14-3-3 protein beta/alphaYWHABHomo sapiens (Human)246 AA
P32121ARRB2_HUMANBeta-arrestin-2ARRB2, ARB2, ARR2Homo sapiens (Human)409 AA
Q02750MP2K1_HUMANDual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1MAP2K1, MEK1, PRKMK1Homo sapiens (Human)393 AA
Q8IVT5KSR1_HUMANKinase suppressor of Ras 1KSR1, KSRHomo sapiens (Human)923 AA
Q9Y490TLN1_HUMANTalin-1TLN1, KIAA1027, TLNHomo sapiens (Human)2,541 AA
P02751FINC_HUMANFibronectinFN1, FNHomo sapiens (Human)2,477 AA
P04049RAF1_HUMANRAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinaseRAF1, RAFHomo sapiens (Human)648 AA
P08514ITA2B_HUMANIntegrin alpha-IIbITGA2B, GP2B, ITGABHomo sapiens (Human)1,039 AA
P12931SRC_HUMANProto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase SrcSRC, SRC1Homo sapiens (Human)536 AA
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