UniProtKB 5 results

P00592PA21B_PIGPhospholipase A2, major isoenzymePLA2G1BSus scrofa (Pig)146 AA
Q92504S39A7_HUMANZinc transporter SLC39A7SLC39A7, HKE4, RING5Homo sapiens (Human)469 AA
P00747PLMN_HUMANPlasminogenPLGHomo sapiens (Human)810 AA
P17811PLA_YERPEPlasminogen activatorpla, YPPCP1.07, YP_pPCP08Yersinia pestis312 AA
P06971FHUA_ECOLIFerrichrome outer membrane transporter/phage receptorfhuA, tonA, b0150, JW0146Escherichia coli (strain K12)747 AA
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