UniProtKB 7 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
O60716CTND1_HUMANCatenin delta-1CTNND1, KIAA0384Homo sapiens (Human)968 AA
Q86T24KAISO_HUMANTranscriptional regulator KaisoZBTB33, KAISO, ZNF348Homo sapiens (Human)672 AA
P12830CADH1_HUMANCadherin-1CDH1, CDHE, UVOHomo sapiens (Human)882 AA
P35222CTNB1_HUMANCatenin beta-1CTNNB1, CTNNB, OK/SW-cl.35, PRO2286Homo sapiens (Human)781 AA
P09803CADH1_MOUSECadherin-1Cdh1Mus musculus (Mouse)884 AA
F1QGH7CTNB1_DANRECatenin beta-1ctnnb1Danio rerio (Zebrafish) (Brachydanio rerio)780 AA
Q02248CTNB1_MOUSECatenin beta-1Ctnnb1, CatnbMus musculus (Mouse)781 AA
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