UniProtKB 6 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
P48740MASP1_HUMANMannan-binding lectin serine protease 1MASP1, CRARF, CRARF1, PRSS5Homo sapiens (Human)699 AA
Q08209PP2BA_HUMANProtein phosphatase 3 catalytic subunit alphaPPP3CA, CALNA, CNAHomo sapiens (Human)521 AA
P01112RASH_HUMANGTPase HRasHRAS, HRAS1Homo sapiens (Human)189 AA
P55210CASP7_HUMANCaspase-7CASP7, MCH3Homo sapiens (Human)303 AA
O35082KLOT_MOUSEKlothoKlMus musculus (Mouse)1,014 AA
P98064MASP1_MOUSEMannan-binding lectin serine protease 1Masp1, Crarf, Masp3Mus musculus (Mouse)704 AA
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