UniProtKB 124 results

Q96LB4VATG3_HUMANV-type proton ATPase subunit G 3ATP6V1G3, ATP6G3Homo sapiens (Human)118 AA
Q9H4X1RGCC_HUMANRegulator of cell cycle RGCCRGCC, C13orf15, RGC32Homo sapiens (Human)137 AA
Q8IWT0ARCH_HUMANProtein archeaseZBTB8OS, ARCHHomo sapiens (Human)167 AA
Q9NY56OBP2A_HUMANOdorant-binding protein 2aOBP2AHomo sapiens (Human)170 AA
P62952BLCAP_HUMANApoptosis inducing factor BLCAPBLCAP, BC10Homo sapiens (Human)87 AA
Q9NRY2SOSSC_HUMANSOSS complex subunit CINIP, C9orf80, SSBIP1, HSPC043, HSPC291Homo sapiens (Human)104 AA
P42772CDN2B_HUMANCyclin-dependent kinase 4 inhibitor BCDKN2B, MTS2Homo sapiens (Human)138 AA
Q5TGU0TSPO2_HUMANTranslocator protein 2TSPO2, BZRPL1Homo sapiens (Human)170 AA
Q9UMY4SNX12_HUMANSorting nexin-12SNX12Homo sapiens (Human)162 AA
Q9NRR8C42S1_HUMANCDC42 small effector protein 1CDC42SE1, SPEC1Homo sapiens (Human)79 AA
Q9NUH8TM14B_HUMANTransmembrane protein 14BTMEM14BHomo sapiens (Human)114 AA
Q9NS18GLRX2_HUMANGlutaredoxin-2, mitochondrialGLRX2, GRX2, CGI-133Homo sapiens (Human)164 AA
Q9UHD0IL19_HUMANInterleukin-19IL19, ZMDA1Homo sapiens (Human)177 AA
O95971BY55_HUMANCD160 antigenCD160, BY55Homo sapiens (Human)181 AA
Q9BSY9DESI2_HUMANDeubiquitinase DESI2DESI2, C1orf121, FAM152A, PPPDE1, CGI-146, PNAS-4Homo sapiens (Human)194 AA
Q9BY32ITPA_HUMANInosine triphosphate pyrophosphataseITPA, C20orf37, My049, OK/SW-cl.9Homo sapiens (Human)194 AA
O60869EDF1_HUMANEndothelial differentiation-related factor 1EDF1Homo sapiens (Human)148 AA
Q9NP97DLRB1_HUMANDynein light chain roadblock-type 1DYNLRB1, BITH, DNCL2A, DNLC2A, ROBLD1, HSPC162Homo sapiens (Human)96 AA
Q7Z4G1COMD6_HUMANCOMM domain-containing protein 6COMMD6, MSTP076Homo sapiens (Human)85 AA
Q8N2Z9CENPS_HUMANCentromere protein SCENPS, APITD1, FAAP16, MHF1Homo sapiens (Human)138 AA
O00453LST1_HUMANLeukocyte-specific transcript 1 proteinLST1, B144Homo sapiens (Human)97 AA
O00762UBE2C_HUMANUbiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 CUBE2C, UBCH10Homo sapiens (Human)179 AA
P0DPB6RPAC2_HUMANDNA-directed RNA polymerases I and III subunit RPAC2POLR1DHomo sapiens (Human)133 AA
A8MTZ0BBIP1_HUMANBBSome-interacting protein 1BBIP1, BBIP10, NCRNA00081Homo sapiens (Human)92 AA
Q5EE01CENPW_HUMANCentromere protein WCENPW, C6orf173, CUG2Homo sapiens (Human)88 AA
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