UniProtKB 9,634 results

P52585VEGFH_ORFN7Vascular endothelial growth factor homologA2ROrf virus (strain NZ7) (OV NZ-7)148 AA
P01128TSIS_WMSVPDGF-related-transforming protein sisV-SISWoolly monkey sarcoma virus (WMSV) (Simian sarcoma-associated virus)226 AA
A0A8M2B6U8A0A8M2B6U8_DANREVascular endothelial growth factor C isoform X1vegfcDanio rerio (Zebrafish) (Brachydanio rerio)395 AA
G8JLS5G8JLS5_RATVascular permeability factorVegfaRattus norvegicus (Rat)489 AA
A0A8M9PHS0A0A8M9PHS0_DANREVascular endothelial growth factor C isoform X3vegfcDanio rerio (Zebrafish) (Brachydanio rerio)277 AA
G3V882G3V882_RATPlatelet-derived growth factor subunit BPdgfbRattus norvegicus (Rat)246 AA
A0A8M9PC47A0A8M9PC47_DANREVascular endothelial growth factor C isoform X2vegfcDanio rerio (Zebrafish) (Brachydanio rerio)339 AA
X2JCH3X2JCH3_DROMEPDGF-and VEGF-related factor 1, isoform CPvf1, Dmel\CG7103, DmVEGF-1, EP1624, l(1)G0146, PVF, Pvf, Pvf-1, PVF1, pvf1, PVFs, VEGF, vegf1, Vegf17E, Vegf17e-a, Vegf17e-b, VEGF2-B, CG7103, Dmel_CG7103Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)300 AA
A0A287BFL9A0A287BFL9_PIGVascular permeability factorVEGFASus scrofa (Pig)394 AA
A0A2K5CGA0A0A2K5CGA0_AOTNAVascular permeability factorVEGFAAotus nancymaae (Ma's night monkey)412 AA
A0A2K5EW15A0A2K5EW15_AOTNAPlatelet-derived growth factor subunit BPDGFBAotus nancymaae (Ma's night monkey)241 AA
A0A2K6L0H5A0A2K6L0H5_RHIBEPlatelet-derived growth factor subunit BPDGFBRhinopithecus bieti (Black snub-nosed monkey) (Pygathrix bieti)237 AA
A0A2K6NBZ1A0A2K6NBZ1_RHIROPlatelet-derived growth factor subunit BPDGFBRhinopithecus roxellana (Golden snub-nosed monkey) (Pygathrix roxellana)241 AA
A0A452UFX7A0A452UFX7_URSMAPlatelet-derived growth factor subunit BPDGFBUrsus maritimus (Polar bear) (Thalarctos maritimus)234 AA
A0A4W2C4G2A0A4W2C4G2_BOBOXPlatelet-derived growth factor subunit BPDGFBBos indicus x Bos taurus (Hybrid cattle)241 AA
A0A4X2K333A0A4X2K333_VOMURVascular permeability factorVEGFAVombatus ursinus (Common wombat)400 AA
A0A8D1VN34A0A8D1VN34_PIGPlatelet-derived growth factor subunit BSus scrofa (Pig)240 AA
A0A8I3PMY5A0A8I3PMY5_CANLFPlatelet-derived growth factor subunit BPDGFBCanis lupus familiaris (Dog) (Canis familiaris)340 AA
A0A8I5R5F1A0A8I5R5F1_PAPANPlatelet-derived growth factor subunit BPDGFBPapio anubis (Olive baboon)265 AA
G1T1L9G1T1L9_RABITVascular permeability factorVEGFAOryctolagus cuniculus (Rabbit)398 AA
G3RHM9G3RHM9_GORGOPlatelet-derived growth factor subunit BGorilla gorilla gorilla (Western lowland gorilla)220 AA
H0V5C6H0V5C6_CAVPOPlatelet-derived growth factor subunit BPDGFBCavia porcellus (Guinea pig)241 AA
U3J2U2U3J2U2_ANAPPPlatelet-derived growth factor subunit BPDGFBAnas platyrhynchos platyrhynchos (Northern mallard)251 AA
A0A0D9R213A0A0D9R213_CHLSBPlatelet-derived growth factor subunit BPDGFBChlorocebus sabaeus (Green monkey) (Cercopithecus sabaeus)241 AA
A0A2J8P0D4A0A2J8P0D4_PANTRVascular permeability factorVEGFAPan troglodytes (Chimpanzee)395 AA
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