UniProtKB 10 results

P83094STIM_DROMEStromal interaction molecule homologStim, CG9126Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)570 AA
Q9V8K2EXOC3_DROMEExocyst complex component 3Sec6, CG5341Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)738 AA
Q9VQQ9EXOC2_DROMEExocyst complex component 2Sec5, CG8843Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)894 AA
P48555RALA_DROMERas-related protein Ral-aRala, CG2849Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)201 AA
Q9VBI4Q9VBI4_DROMEExocyst complex component 8Exo84, anon-WO0153538.55, DExo84, Dmel\CG6095, exo84, Exo84p, onr, CG6095, Dmel_CG6095Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)671 AA
Q8SWU0Q8SWU0_DROMEExocyst complex component 8Exo84, exo84, CG6095Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)529 AA
Q7KRZ3Q7KRZ3_DROMEExocyst complex component 8Exo84, anon-WO0153538.55, DExo84, Dmel\CG6095, exo84, Exo84p, onr, CG6095, Dmel_CG6095Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)672 AA
Q962I2Q962I2_DROMERAL2Rala, 24639550, anon-EST:fe1H4, D-RalA, Dm RalA, Dmel\CG2849, DRal, Dral, dRal, DRala, DralA, Drala, l(1)G0174, l(1)G0373, l(1)G0501, P48555, Ral, ral, Ral-a, RALA, RalA, ralA, CG2849, Dmel_CG2849Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)197 AA
Q7KUZ1Q7KUZ1_DROMEFI18406p1Stim, C-Stim, D-STIM, D-Stim, Dmel\CG9126, dSTIM, dStim, dstim, STIM, stim, Stim-RD, STIM1, stim1, CG9126, Dmel_CG9126Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)561 AA
M9NF82M9NF82_DROMEStromal interaction molecule, isoform FStim, C-Stim, D-STIM, D-Stim, Dmel\CG9126, dSTIM, dStim, dstim, STIM, stim, STIM1, stim1, CG9126, Dmel_CG9126Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)117 AA
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